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gut 肠胃

/ ɡQt /

1. (也作 guts)the stomach or belly
• 腹部;肚子
 »a painful stabbing feeling in his gut.
  [Medicine & Biology] the lower alimentary canal or a part of this; the intestine
[医,生] 下消化道;下消化道的一部分;肠
 »microbes which naturally live in the human gut.
  (guts)entrails that have been removed or exposed in violence or by a butcher
• (暴露或取出的)内脏
  (guts)the internal parts or essence of something
• 内部,内部物;内容,本质
 »the guts of a modern computer.
  (guts)[with modifier] used to form names attributing negative characteristics to people
• …之徒,…的家伙(与含贬义的形容词一起用)
 »what's the matter with you, misery guts?
 »greedy guts.
2. (guts)[informal] personal courage and determination; toughness of character
[非正式] 胆量,勇气;毅力;意志
 »she had both more brains and more guts than her husband.
 »you just haven't got the guts to admit it.
  [as modifier] [informal] (of a feeling or reaction) based on a deep-seated emotional response rather than considered thought; instinctive
[非正式] (情感,反应)发自内心深处的;出于本能的
 »a gut feeling.
3. [mass noun] fibre made from the intestines of animals, used especially for violin or racket strings or for surgical use
• 肠线(由动物的肠制成,尤用于制作小提琴琴弦、网球拍或用于外科手术中)
 »[as modifier] gut strings.
4. a narrow passage or strait
• 狭道,隘路;狭水道,狭海峡
(gutted, gutting)
1. [with obj.] take out the intestines and other internal organs of (a fish or other animal) before cooking it
• 取出(鱼等动物)的内脏
  remove or destroy completely the internal parts of (a building or other structure)
• 清除(或清空、摧毁)(建筑物等)的内部
 »the fire gutted most of the factory.
  remove or extract the most important parts of (something) in a damaging or destructive manner
• 抽去(或破坏)…最重要的部分
 »watching in silence while arts budgets were gutted.
bust a gut
1. [informal] make a strenuous effort
[非正式] 努力
 »a problem which nobody is going to bust a gut trying to solve.
— one's guts out
1. used to indicate that the specified action is done or performed as hard as possible
• 拼命地,竭尽全力地
 »he ran his guts out and finished fourth.
hate someone's guts
1. [informal] feel a strong hatred for someone
[非正式] 对某人恨之入骨
have someone's guts for garters
1. (informal, chiefly humorous)punish someone severely
[非正式,主幽默] 严惩某人
 »if Jake found out he would have her guts for garters!.
sweat (或 work) one's guts out
1. [informal] work extremely hard
[非正式] 拼命干
1. Old English guttas (plural), probably related to gēotan 'pour'

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