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hair n.毛发,头发;绒毛,毛状物

/ hZE /

1. any of the fine thread-like strands growing from the skin of humans, mammals, and some other animals
• (人、哺乳动物等动物的)毛发;汗毛
  a similar strand growing from the epidermis of a plant, or forming part of a living cell
• (植物表皮层或形成活细胞一部分的)毛,茸毛
  (a hair)a very small quantity or extent
• 少量,一点儿
 »his magic takes him a hair above the competition.
2. [mass noun] such strands collectively, especially those growing on a person's head
• 头发
 »a woman with shoulder-length fair hair.
hair of the dog
1. [informal] an alcoholic drink taken to cure a hangover
[非正式] 解宿醉的烈酒
a hair's breadth
1. a very small amount or margin
• 极小量;间不容发的距离
 »you escaped death by a hair's breadth.
in (或 out of) someone's hair
1. [informal] annoying (or ceasing to annoy) someone
[非正式] 惹恼(或不再惹恼)某人
 »they sent him to America, just to get him out of their hair.
keep your hair on!
1. [Brit. informal] used to urge someone not to panic or lose their temper
[英,非正式] [用于劝告]保持镇静!别发脾气!别激动!
let one's hair down
1. [informal] behave wildly or uninhibitedly
[非正式] 毫无顾忌;随随便便;不加控制;无拘无束
make someone's hair stand on end
1. alarm or horrify someone
• 使某人毛骨悚然
not turn a hair
1. remain apparently unmoved or unaffected
• 无动于衷;不动声色
split hairs
1. make small and overfine distinctions
• 作过细区分
haired adjective
 »[in combination] a curly-haired boy.
hairless adjective
hair-like adjective
1. Old English hǣr, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch haar and German Haar

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