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haul vt.拖曳;拖运

/ hC:l /

1. [with obj. and adverbial] (of a person) pull or drag with effort or force
• (人)拖,拉
 »he hauled his bike out of the shed.
  (haul oneself)propel or pull oneself with difficulty
• 费力前进;艰难地走
 »he hauled himself along the cliff face.
  [informal] force (someone) to appear for reprimand or trial
[非正式] 强迫(某人)接受申斥;迫使(某人)出庭受审
 »he is to be hauled before the Press Council.
  [no obj., with adverbial] (of a person) pull hard
• (人)用力拉,拽
 »she hauled on the reins.
2. [with obj.] (of a vehicle) pull (an attached trailer or carriage) behind it
• (机动车)拉(拖车)
 »the engine hauls the overnight sleeper from London Euston.
  transport in a lorry or cart
• 用卡车(或手推车)运
 »he made a living hauling coal.
3. [no obj., with adverbial of direction] (especially of a sailing ship) make an abrupt change of course
• (尤指帆船)突然改变航道
1. a quantity of something that has been stolen or is possessed illegally
• (一批)赃物
 »they escaped with a haul of antiques.
  the number of points, medals, or titles won by a person or team in a sporting event or over a period
• (个人或运动队的)赛季得分总数;赛季所得奖牌总数;赛季所得冠军称号的总数
  a number of fish caught
• 捕鱼量
2. a distance to be traversed
• 有待走过的路程
 »the thirty-mile haul to Tamanrasset.
haul ass
1. [N.Amer. informal] move or leave fast
[北美,非正式] 开溜
haul off
1. [N. Amer. informal] leave ; depart
[北美,非正式] 离开
  withdraw a little in preparation for some action
• 后缩一下
 »he hauled off and smacked the kid.
haul someone over the coals --› see coal
1. mid 16th cent. (originally in the nautical sense trim sails for sailing closer to the wind): variant of hale

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