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heave vt.(用力地)举起;抛

/ hi:v /

(past and past participle heaved 或主航海 hove )
1. [with obj. and adverbial of direction] lift or haul (a heavy thing) with great effort
• 用力举起(或拉、拖)
 »she heaved the sofa back into place.
 »he heaved himself out of bed.
  [Nautical] pull, raise, or move (a boat or ship) by hauling on a rope or ropes
[航海] 用绳将(船)拉动(或往高处拖动)
  [informal] throw (something heavy)
[非正式] 扔,甩,抛(重物)
 »she heaved half a brick at him.
2. [with obj.] produce (a sigh)
• 发出(叹息)
 »he heaved a euphoric sigh of relief.
3. [no obj.] rise and fall rhythmically or spasmodically
• 起伏
 »his shoulders heaved as he panted.
  make an effort to vomit; retch
• 呕吐,恶心
 »my stomach heaved.
1. an act of heaving, especially a strong pull
• 拖拽
  [Geology] a sideways displacement in a fault
[地质] 平错,隆起
2. (heaves). another term for copd of horses
• 同 copd of horses
heave in sight
1. (或 into view)(chieflyNautical)come into view
[主航海] 进入视野,出现
 »they held out until a British fleet hove in sight.
heaver noun
1. Old English hebban, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch heffen and German heben 'lift up'
heave to
1. [Nautical] (of a boat or ship) come to a stop, especially by turning across the wind leaving the headsail backed
[主航海l] (船)顶风停航,(船)停航

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