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hold v.(held,held)1.拿;抱;握住 2.举行;进行

/ hEuld /

(past and past participle held )
1. [with obj.] grasp, carry, or support with one's arms or hands
• 抓住,拿着,托住,夹住
 »she was holding a brown leather suitcase.
 »[no obj.] he held on to the back of a chair.
  [with obj. and adverbial] keep or sustain in a specified position
• 使保持(特定的状态)
 »I held the door open for him.
 »the people are held down by a repressive military regime.
  embrace (someone)
• 拥抱
 »Mark pulled her into his arms and held her close.
  (hold something up)support and prevent from falling
• 支撑
 »concrete pillars hold up the elevated section of the railway.
  be able to bear (the weight of a person or thing)
• 能承受(重量),能支撑
 »I reached up to the nearest branch which seemed likely to hold my weight.
  (of a vehicle) maintain close contact with (the road), especially when driven at speed
• (尤指车辆高速行驶中)紧贴(路面)
 »the car holds the corners very well.
  (of a ship or an aircraft) continue to follow (a particular course)
• (船,飞机)沿(一特定航线)继续前行
 »the ship is holding a south-easterly course.
  [no obj., with adverbial of direction] (archaic)keep going in a particular direction
[古] (沿某一特定方向)继续前行
 »he held on his way, close behind his friend.
2. [with obj.] keep or detain (someone)
• 拘留
 »the police were holding him on a murder charge.
 »[with obj. and complement] she was held prisoner for two days.
  keep possession of (something), typically in the face of a challenge or attack
• (尤指面对挑战或攻击时)占有,控制
 »the rebels held the town for many weeks.
 »[no obj.] White managed to hold on to his lead.
  keep (someone's interest or attention)
• 保持(某人的兴趣,注意力)
  (of a singer or musician) sustain (a note)
• (歌唱家,音乐家)持续(一种音符)
  stay or cause to stay at a certain value or level
• (使)保持(价值、水平)
 »[no obj.] MCI shares held at 77p.
 »[with obj.] he is determined to hold down inflation.
  (in sport) manage to achieve a draw against (opponents thought likely to win)
• (运动)(认为对手可能赢的情况下)设法战成平局
 »AC Milan were held to a 1–1 draw by Udinese.
3. [no obj.] remain secure, intact, or in position without breaking or giving way
• 稳定
 »the boat's anchor would not hold.
  (of a favourable condition or situation) continue without changing
• (有利的条件,情形)持续不变
 »let's hope her luck holds.
  be or remain valid or available
• (持续)有效,(继续)存在
 »I'll have that coffee now, if the offer still holds.
  (of an argument or theory) be logical, consistent, or convincing
• (论点,理论)合乎逻辑,前后一致,令人信服
 »their views still seem to hold up extremely well.
  (hold to)refuse to abandon or change (a principle or opinion)
• 坚持(原则,见解)
  [with obj.] (hold someone to)cause someone to adhere to (a commitment)
• 使人遵守(承诺)
4. [with obj.] contain or be capable of containing (a specified amount)
• 容纳,能装(规定的量)
 »the tank held twenty-four gallons.
  be able to drink (a reasonable amount of alcohol) without becoming drunk or suffering any ill effects
• 能喝(适量的烈酒),有酒量
 »I can hold my drink as well as anyone.
  have or be characterized by
• 有,有…的特征
 »I don't know what the future holds.
5. [with obj.] have in one's possession
• 拥有
 »the managing director still holds fifty shares in the company.
  [no obj.] [N. Amer. informal] be in possession of illegal drugs
[北美,非正式] 携有违禁毒品
 »he was holding, and the police hauled him off to jail.
  have or occupy (a job or position)
• 拥有(或占有)(工作,职位)
  [with obj.] have or adhere to (a belief or opinion)
• 持有(或坚持)(信仰,见解)
 »I feel nothing but pity for someone who holds such chauvinistic views.
 »[with clause] they hold that all literature is empty of meaning.
  [with obj. and complement] consider (someone) to be responsible or liable for a particular situation
• 认为(某人对某一特定情形)有责任
 »you can't hold yourself responsible for what happened.
  (hold someone/thing in)regard someone or something with (a specified feeling)
• 以(某种感情)认为(人,物)
 »the speed limit is held in contempt by many drivers.
  [with clause] (of a judge or court) rule; decide
• (法官,法庭)裁决,判决
 »the Court of Appeal held that there was no evidence to support the judge's assessment.
6. [with obj.] keep or reserve for someone
• 为(人)保留
 »a booking can be held for twenty-four hours.
  prevent from going ahead or occurring
• 控制;防止
 »hold your fire!.
  maintain (a telephone connection) until the person one has telephoned is free to speak
• 不挂断电话
 »please hold the line, and I'll see if he's available.
 »[no obj.] will you hold?
  [N. Amer. informal] refrain from adding or using (something, typically an item of food or drink)
[北美,非正式] 克制不加(或不用)(尤指食物,饮料)
 »a strawberry margarita, but hold the tequila.
  (hold it)[informal] used as a way of exhorting someone to wait or to stop doing something
[非正式] 等等,停(用作劝诫)
 »hold it right there, mate!.
  [no obj.] (archaic)restrain oneself
[古] 抑制,控制(自己)
7. [with obj.] arrange and take part in (a meeting or conversation)
• 举行(会议,会谈)
 »a meeting was held at the church.
1. an act or manner of grasping something; a grip
• 握,抓
 »he caught hold of her arm.
 »he lost his hold and fell.
  a particular way of grasping or restraining someone, especially an opponent in wrestling or judo
• (尤指摔跤、柔道中的)擒拿法
  a place where one can grip with one's hands or feet while climbing
• (供手攀、脚踏的)支撑点,支撑物
 »he felt carefully with his feet for a hold and swung himself up.
  a way of influencing someone
• 影响力
 »he discovered that Tom had some kind of hold over his father.
  a degree of power or control
• 权力,控制(力)
 »military forces tightened their hold on the capital.
2. (archaic)a fortress
[古] 要塞,堡垒
be left holding the baby (或美
1. [informal] be left with an unwelcome responsibility, typically without warning
[非正式] (尤指没有警告)被加一项责任
don't hold your breath --› see breath
get hold of
1. grasp (someone or something) physically
• 抓住(人,物)
  grasp (something) intellectually; understand
• 理解
  [informal] obtain
[非正式] 获得,得到
 »if you can't get hold of ripe tomatoes, add some tomato purée.
  [informal] find or manage to contact (someone)
[非正式] 找到(人),设法联系上
 »I'll try and get hold of Mark.
hold someone/thing at bay --› see bay
hold one's breath --› see breath
hold someone/thing cheap
1. (archaic)have a low opinion of someone or something
[古] 轻视,瞧不起
hold court
1. be the centre of attention amidst a crowd of one's admirers
• (在一群崇拜者中)成为注意焦点
hold someone/thing dear
1. care for or value someone or something greatly
• 重视,珍视(人,物)
 »fidelity is something most of us hold dear.
hold fast
1. remain tightly secured
• 紧闭
 »the door held fast, obviously locked.
  continue to believe in or adhere to an idea or principle
• 坚持相信,坚持(观点、原则)
 »it is important that we hold fast to the policies.
hold the field --› see field
hold the fort
1. take responsibility for a situation while another person is temporarily absent
• (另一人暂时不在时)临时负责
hold good (或 true)
1. remain true or valid
• 保持正确,有效
 »his views still hold true today.
hold one's ground --› see ground
hold someone's hand
1. give a person comfort, guidance, or moral support in a difficult situation
• 牵某人的手(困难时给人安慰、指引、精神上的支持)
hold hands
1. (of two or more people) clasp each other by the hand, typically as a sign of affection
• 手牵手(多表示友爱)
hold hard
1. [Brit.] used as a way of exhorting someone to stop or wait
[英] 等一下,停住
 »here, hold hard a minute.
hold someone/thing harmless
1. [Law] indemnify
[律] 赔偿
hold one's horses
1. [usu. as imperative] [informal] wait a moment
[非正式] 等一下
hold the line
1. not yield to the pressure of a difficult situation
• 坚持下去,不屈服压力
 »France's central bank would hold the line.
hold one's nose
1. squeeze one's nostrils with one's fingers in order to avoid inhaling an unpleasant smell
• 捏紧鼻子(以免闻难闻的气味)
hold one's own --› see own
hold one's peace --› see peace
hold (one's) serve (或 service)
1. (in tennis and other racket sports) win a game in which one is serving
• (网球、羽毛球等)赢了发球局
hold the stage --› see stage
hold sway --› see sway
hold thumbs
1. [S. African] fold one's fingers over one's thumb to bring good luck
[南非] 握紧大拇指(以带来好运)
hold someone to bail
1. [Law] bind by bail
[律] 拘留某人直至交保
hold one's tongue
1. [often in imperative] [informal] remain silent
[非正式] 保持沉默
hold someone/thing to ransom --› see ransom
hold up one's head (或 hold one's head high) --› see head
hold water
1. [often with negative] (of a statement, theory, or line of reasoning) appear to be valid, sound, or reasonable
• (声明,理论,推理方法)似乎有效的,有根据的,站得住脚的
 »this argument just does not hold water.
no holds barred
1. (in wrestling) with no restrictions on the kinds of holds that are used
• (摔跤)不受任何擒拿法限制
  (figurative)used to convey that no rules or restrictions apply in a conflict or dispute
[喻] (在冲突、争吵中)无清规戒律,不受任何限制约束
 »no-holds-barred military action.
on hold
1. waiting to be connected while making a telephone call
• (打电话时)等候(接通)
  temporarily not being dealt with or pursued
• 暂时停止
 »he has had to put his career on hold.
take hold
1. start to have an effect
• 开始起作用
 »the reforms of the late nineteenth century had taken hold.
there is no holding someone
1. used to convey that someone is particularly determined or cannot be prevented from doing something
• (用于表达某人已下定决心做某事)没有人能阻止(人)
 »there's no holding you these days.
holdable adjective
1. Old English haldan, healdan, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch houden and German halten; the noun is partly from Old Norse hald 'hold, support, custody'
hold something against
1. allow past actions or circumstances to have a negative influence on one's present attitude towards (someone)
• 因(过去的行为或情况的影响)而对(人)产生消极的看法
 »he knew that if he failed her, she would hold it against him forever.
hold back
1. hesitate to act or speak
• 踌躇,犹豫
 »he held back, remembering the mistake he had made before.
hold someone/thing back
1. prevent or restrict the advance, progress, or development of someone or something
• 阻碍,阻止,抑制
 »Jane struggled to hold back the tears.
  (hold something back)refuse or be unwilling to make something known
• 隐瞒
 »you're not holding anything back from me, are you?
hold something down
1. [informal] succeed in keeping a job or position for a period of time
[非正式] 保住(工作,职位)
hold forth
1. talk lengthily, assertively, or tediously about a subject
• 滔滔不绝地说
 »he was holding forth on the merits of the band's debut LP.
hold off
1. (of bad weather) fail to occur
• (坏天气)不出现
  delay or postpone an action or decision
• 拖延,推迟(行动,决定)
hold someone/thing off
1. resist an attacker or challenge
• 抵抗(攻击者,挑战)
 »he held off a late challenge by Vose to win by thirteen seconds.
hold on
1. [often in imperative] wait ; stop
• 等等;停
 »hold on a minute, I'll be right back!.
2. endure or keep going in difficult circumstances
• (在困难情况下)继续,坚持
 »if only they could hold on a little longer.
hold on to
1. keep
• 留住;保存
 »the industry is trying to hold on to experienced staff.
hold out
1. resist or survive in dangerous or difficult circumstances
• 抵抗,抵挡;继续生存
 »British troops held out against constant attacks.
  continue to be sufficient
• 持续充足
 »we can stay here for as long as our supplies hold out.
hold out for
1. continue to demand (a particular thing), refusing to accept what has been offered
• 坚持要求(拒绝接受所给予的)
 »he is holding out for a guaranteed 7 per cent raise.
hold out on
1. [informal] refuse to give something, typically information, to (someone)
[非正式] 拒绝给(尤指信息)
hold something out
1. offer a chance or hope
• 给予机会(或希望)
 »a new drug may hold out hope for patients with lung cancer.
hold something over
1. postpone something
• 推迟,拖延
2. use a fact or piece of information to threaten or intimidate (someone)
• (用事实或一则信息)要挟(人)
hold together (或 hold something together)
1. remain or cause to remain united
• (使)保持团结
 »if your party holds together, you will probably win.
hold up
1. remain strong or vigorous
• 保持强劲
 »the Labour vote held up well.
hold someone/thing up
1. delay or block the movement or progress of someone or something
• 耽搁,拖延;妨碍,阻碍
 »our return flight was held up for seven hours.
2. rob someone or something using the threat of force or violence
• 以暴力(或暴力威胁)抢劫
 »a masked raider held up the post office.
3. present or expose someone or something as an example or for particular treatment
• 使(人,物)成为例子(或受到特殊对待)
 »they were held up to public ridicule.
4. [Bridge] refrain from playing a winning card for tactical reasons
[桥牌] (因战术原因)扣住,忍让
hold with
1. [with negative] [informal] approve of
[非正式] 赞成
 »I don't hold with fighting or violence.
1. a large compartment or space in the lower part of a ship or aircraft in which cargo is stowed
• (船,飞机)货舱
1. late 16th cent.: from obsolete holl, from Old English hol (see <

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