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independent a.独立的;自主的 n.独立派人士,无党派者

/ 7Indi5pendEnt /

1. free from outside control; not depending on another's authority
• 自主的;独立的,不依赖权威的
 »the study is totally independent of central government.
 »Britain's largest independent advertising agency.
  (of a country) self-governing
• (国家)独立的;自治的
 »India became independent in 1947.
  not belonging to or supported by a political party
• 独立的,无党派的,无政党支持的
 »the independent candidate.
  ( of broadcasting, a school, etc.) not supported by public funds
• (广播、学校等)无公共基金资助的,独立的
  not influenced or affected by others; impartial
• 不受他人影响的;公正的
 »a thorough and independent investigation of the case.
  [Independent] (historical)Congregational
[史] 公理会的
2. not depending on another for livelihood or subsistence
• 自给自足的,自力更生的
 »I wanted to remain independent in old age.
  capable of thinking or acting for oneself
• 能独立思考的;能独立行动的
 »advice for independent travellers.
  (of income or resources) making it unnecessary to earn one's living
• (收入,财产)多得无须谋生的,足以过温饱生活的
 »a woman of independent means.
3. not connected with another or with each other; separate
• 独立的,互不相干的;分离的;个别的,单独的
 »we need two independent witnesses to testify.
 »the legislature and the judicature are independent of one another.
  not depending on something else for strength or effectiveness; free-standing
• 自给的;独立式的
 »an independent electric shower.
  [Mathematics] (of one of a set of axioms, equations, or quantities) incapable of being expressed in terms of, or derived or deduced from, the others
[数] (一套公理,方程式,量)无关的,独立的
1. an independent person or body
• 独立自主者;独立团体
  an independent political candidate, councillor, etc
• 无党派人士(或候选人、议员等)
  [Independent] (historical)a Congregationalist
[史] 公理会教友
independently adverb
1. early 17th cent. (as an adjective): partly on the pattern of French indépendant

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