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input vt.输入 n.输入

/ 5input /

noun, [mass noun]
1. what is put in, taken in, or operated on by any process or system
• 放入物;带入物;被操作物
 »there is little input from other professional members of the team.
  [count noun] a contribution of work, information, or material
• (工作、信息、材料的)捐献,投入,加入
 »her input on issues was appreciated.
  energy supplied to a device or system; an electrical signal
• 能量输入;电信号
 »the input is a low-frequency signal.
  the action or process of putting or feeding something in
• 输入
 »the input of data to the system.
  the information fed into a computer or computer program
• (向计算机或其程序)输入的信息
 »pen-based computers take input from a stylus.
2. [Electronics] a place where, or a device through which, energy or information enters a system
[电子] 输入端;输入装置
 »the signal being fed through the main input.
(inputting; past and past participle input 或inputted)
1. [with obj.] put (data) into a computer
• (向计算机)输入(数据)
inputter noun

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