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interdict v 禁止n. 禁令(inter在中间+ dict→在中间说,不让做→禁止)

/ 7IntE5dIkt /

1. an authoritative prohibition, in particular
• (权威性)禁令,尤指
  [Law, chiefly Scottish] a court order forbidding an act; a negative injunction
[律主苏格兰] (法庭)禁令;强制令
  (in the Roman Catholic Church) a sentence debarring a person, or especially a place, from ecclesiastical functions and privileges
• (天主教)禁令
 »a papal interdict.
verb, [with obj.] (chiefly N. Amer.)[主北美]
1. prohibit or forbid (something)
• 禁止,制止
 »society will never interdict sex.
  (interdict someone from)prohibit someone from (doing something)
• 禁止某人(做某事)
 »I have not been interdicted from consuming or holding alcoholic beverages.
2. intercept and prevent the movement of (a prohibited commodity or person)
• 阻截(受禁商品或个人)
 »the police established roadblocks throughout the country for interdicting drugs.
  [Military] impede (an enemy force), especially by aerial bombing of lines of communication or supply
[军] (尤指以空袭)封锁,阻断(敌军)交通(或通讯、补给)路线
interdiction noun
1. Middle English entredite (in the ecclesiastical sense), from Old French entredit, from Latin interdictum, past participle of interdicere 'interpose, forbid by decree', from inter- 'between' + dicere 'say'. The spelling change in the 16th cent. was due to association with the Latin form

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