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joint adj. 联合的,连接的,共同的

/ dVCint /

1. a point at which parts of an artificial structure are joined
• 接合点
  a particular arrangement of parts of a structure at the point where they are joined
• (结构各部分的)接合(方式),连接(方式)
  [Geology] a break or fracture in a mass of rock, with no relative displacement of the parts
[地质] (岩块)节理,断裂面
  a piece of flexible material forming the hinge of a book cover
• 书籍封面连接处,书脊槽
2. a structure in the human or animal body at which two parts of the skeleton are fitted together
• 关节(人或动物体内连接两个部分)
  each of the distinct sections of a body or limb between the places at which they are connected
• 节
 »the top two joints of his index finger.
  [Brit.] a large piece of meat cooked whole or ready for cooking
[英] (熟制或待制的)整块肉
 »a joint of ham.
  the part of a stem of a plant from which a leaf or branch grows
• (植物茎干上生长枝叶的)节
  a section of a plant stem between such parts; an internode
• (植物)节间
3. [informal] an establishment of a specified kind, especially one where people meet for eating, drinking, or entertainment
[非正式] (尤指指明的用餐、饮酒或娱乐的)公共场所
 »a burger joint.
  (the joint)[N. Amer.] prison
[北美] 监狱
4. [informal] a cannabis cigarette
[非正式] 大麻烟卷
 »he rolled a joint.
5. (chiefly black slang)a piece of creative work, especially a film or piece of music
[主黑人俚语] (尤指电影或音乐的)创造性作品,创意作品
 »listen to one of his joints nowadays and you don't even need to see the production credit.
1. [attrib.] shared, held, or made by two or more people together
• 共有的,合享的,联合的
 »a joint statement.
  sharing in a position, achievement, or activity
• (位置、成就或活动)共享的
 »a joint winner.
  [Law] applied or regarded together
[律] 连带的,共同的,(被认为是)同一个法律体的。 常与several相对
verb, [with obj.]
1. provide or fasten (something) with joints
• 接合,联合
 »[as adj. jointed] jointed lever arms.
  fill up the joints of (masonry or brickwork) with mortar; point
• (用灰泥)填抹(接缝),勾(缝)
  prepare (a board) for being joined to another by planing its edge
• (拼接前)刨平(木板)
2. cut (the body of an animal) into joints
• 把(动物)切成大块
out of joint
1. (of a joint of the body) out of position; dislocated
• (关节)脱位;脱臼,脱节
 »he put his hip out of joint.
  in a state of disorder or disorientation
• 杂乱无章;混乱;迷惑
 »time was thrown completely out of joint.
jointless adjective
jointly adverb
1. Middle English: from Old French, past participle of joindre 'to join' (see join )

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