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keeper n.管理人,看守人,看护人,饲养员

/ 5ki:pE /

1. a person who manages or looks after something or someone, in particular
• 管理人,看管者,尤指
  [Brit.] a custodian of a museum or gallery collection
[英] 博物馆(或美术馆)藏品管理员
  short for goalkeeper or wicketkeeper
• goalkeeper 或wicketkeeper的简称
  an animal attendant employed in a zoo
• (动物园的)动物管理员。
--› compare zookeeper
  short for gamekeeper
• gamekeeper的简称
  a person who is regarded as being in charge of someone else
• 看护人,监护人
 »I would not stop him — I'm his wife, not his keeper.
2. [with adj.] a food or drink that remains in a specified condition if stored
• 耐贮藏的食物(或饮料)
 »hazelnuts are good keepers.
3. [informal] a thing worth keeping
[非正式] 值得保留的东西
 »they were deciding which measurements are questionable and which are keepers.
  [N. Amer.] a fish large enough to be kept when caught
[北美] 达到规定捕捞重量的鱼
4. an object which keeps another in place, or protects something more fragile or valuable, in particular
• 固定物;保护物,尤指
  a plain ring to preserve a hole in a pierced ear lobe; a sleeper
• (防止耳垂穿孔重新闭合的)耳环圈
  a ring worn to keep a more valuable one on the finger
• 护戒
  a bar of soft iron placed across the poles of a horseshoe magnet to maintain its strength
• (马蹄铁)护条
5. [American Football] a play in which the quarterback receives the ball from the centre and runs with it
[美橄] 四分卫护球推进打法
keepership noun
1. Middle English: from keep + -er

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