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key n.钥匙;答案;关键;键 a.主要的,关键的

/ ki: /

(pl. -eys)
1. a small piece of shaped metal with incisions cut to fit the wards of a particular lock, and which is placed into a lock and turned to open or close it
• 钥匙
  a similar implement for operating a switch in the form of a lock, especially one operating the ignition of a motor vehicle
• 开锁状物的工具;汽车打火钥匙
  an instrument for grasping and turning a screw, peg, or nut, especially one for winding a clock or turning a valve
• (拧螺丝钉、木钉、螺帽,尤指上发条或旋阀门用的)钥匙,扳手
  a pin, bolt, or wedge inserted between other pieces, or fitting into a hole or space designed for it, so as to lock parts together
• 销子,楔,栓
2. one of several buttons on a panel for operating a typewriter, word processor, or computer terminal
• (操作打字机、文字处理器或计算机终端的)键
  a lever depressed by the finger in playing an instrument such as the organ, piano, flute, or concertina
• 琴键
  a lever operating a mechanical device for making or breaking an electric circuit, for example in telegraphy
• 电键,电钥
3. a thing that provides a means of gaining access to or understanding something
• (接近、进入或理解某事的)关键
 »the key to Derek's behaviour may lie submerged in his unhappy past.
  an explanatory list of symbols used in a map, table, etc
• (地图、图表等上的)符号表,凡例
  a set of answers to exercises or problems
• (练习或问题的)答案
  a word or system for solving a cipher or code
• 密码本
  the first move in the solution of a chess problem
• (下棋的)关键一着
  [Computing] a field in a record which is used to identify that record uniquely
[计算机] 关键码
4. [Music] a group of notes based on a particular note and comprising a scale, regarded as forming the tonal basis of a piece or passage of music
[乐] 调,主调
 »the key of E minor.
  the tone or pitch of someone's voice
• 人的声调
 »his voice had changed to a lower key.
  (figurative)the prevailing tone or tenor of a piece of writing, situation, etc
[喻] (文章、形势等)主调,基调
 »it was like the sixties all over again, in a new, more austerely intellectual key.
  the prevailing range of tones or intensities in a painting
• (绘画的)基本色调
 »these mauves, lime greens, and saffron yellows recall the high key of El Greco's palette.
5. the dry winged fruit of an ash, maple, or sycamore, typically growing in bunches; a samara
• (岑树、枫树或无花果树的)翼果
6. the part of a first coat of wall plaster that passes between the laths and so secures the rest
• 板条间首层灰泥
  [in sing] the roughness of a surface, helping the adhesion of plaster or other material
• (有助于石膏等黏附的)粗糙表面
7. [Basketball] the keyhole-shaped area marked on the court near each basket
[篮球] 罚球区
1. of paramount or crucial importance
• 关键的,重要的
 »she became a key figure in the suffragette movement.
(-eys, -eyed), [with obj.]
1. enter or operate on (data) by means of a computer keyboard
• 用计算机键盘输入(或操作)(数据)
 »she keyed in a series of commands.
 »[no obj.] a hacker caused considerable disruption after keying into a vital database.
2. [with obj. and adverbial] [一般作 be keyed] fasten (something) in position with a pin, wedge, or bolt
• 用别针(或楔子,栓)固定
 »the coils may be keyed into the slots by fibre wedges.
  (key something to)make something fit in with or be linked to
• 使符合,使相关
 »this optimism is keyed to the possibility that the US might lead in the research field.
  (key someone/thing into/in with)cause someone or something to be in harmony with
• 使和谐
 »to those who are keyed into his lunatic sense of humour, the arrival of any Bergman movie is a major comic event.
3. roughen (a surface) to help the adhesion of plaster or other material
• (为便于黏附)将(表面)弄粗糙
4. word (an advertisement in a particular periodical), typically by varying the form of the address given, so as to identify the publication generating particular responses
• (为便于确定对广告的反应程度而)把索引标号加在(广告)上
5. [N. Amer. informal] be the crucial factor in achieving
[北美,非正式] 成为获得…的关键要素
 »Ewing keyed a 73–35 advantage on the boards with twenty rebounds.
6. [informal] vandalize (a car) by scraping its paint with a key
[非正式] 用钥匙刮漆破坏(汽车);用钥匙刮划(汽车)的表漆
in (或 out of) key
1. in (or out of) harmony
• (不)协调
 »this vaguely uplifting conclusion is out of key with the body of his book.
under lock and key --› see lock
keyed adjective
keyer noun
keyless adjective
1. Old English cæg, cæge, of unknown origin
key someone up
1. [一般作 be keyed up] make someone nervous, tense, or excited, especially before an important event
• (尤指在重要事件前)使紧张,使兴奋
1. a low-lying island or reef, especially in the Caribbean
• (尤指加勒比海中的)低岛,礁。
--› compare cay
1. late 17th cent.: from Spanish cayo 'shoal, reef', influenced by quay

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