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kid 小孩

/ kid /

1. [informal] a child or young person
[非正式] 小孩,年轻人
  used as an informal form of address
• [用作非正式称谓]
 »we'll be seeing ya, kid!.
2. a young goat
• 小山羊
  [mass noun] leather made from a young goat's skin
• 小山羊皮
 »[as modifier] white kid gloves.
(kidded, kidding)
1. [no obj.] (of a goat) give birth
• (山羊)产羔
handle (或 treat) someone or something with kid gloves
1. deal with someone or something very carefully or tactfully
• 审慎周到(或机智巧妙)地待人处事
kids' stuff
1. [informal] a thing regarded as childishly simple or naive
[非正式] 稚气(或天真)的事情;小儿科
 »all this was kids' stuff though compared to the directing.
our kid
1. [Brit. informal] one's younger brother or sister (often used as a form of address)
[英,非正式] 小弟弟,小妹妹(常用作称谓)
 »come here, our kid.
1. Middle English (in sense 2): from Old Norse kith, of Germanic origin; related to German Kitze
(kidded, kidding)
1. [with obj.] [informal] deceive (someone) in a playful or teasing way
[非正式] 哄骗,欺骗
 »you're kidding me!.
 »[no obj.] we were just kidding around.
  [with obj. and clause] deceive or fool (someone)
• 欺骗,愚弄
 »he likes to kid everyone he's the big macho tough guy.
 »they kid themselves that it's still the same.
  [no obj.] (kid around)behave in a silly way
• 胡闹;出洋相
no kidding
1. used to emphasize the truth of a statement
• (用以强调陈述的真实性)不开玩笑,说真的
 »no kidding, she's gone.
kidder noun
kiddingly adverb
1. early 19th cent.: perhaps from kid, expressing the notion ‘make a child or goat of’
1. (archaic)a small wooden tub, especially a sailor's mess tub for grog or rations
[古] (尤指水手食堂盛酒菜用的)小木桶
1. mid 18th cent.: perhaps a variant of kit

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