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kiss vt.吻 vi.接吻 n.吻

/ kis /

1. [with obj.] touch with the lips as a sign of love, sexual desire, reverence, or greeting
• 吻,亲吻
 »he kissed her on the lips.
 »[with obj. and complement] she kissed the children goodnight.
 »[no obj.] we started kissing.
  [Billiards & Snooker] (of a ball) lightly touch (another ball) in passing
[台球,斯诺克] (球)轻轻擦过(另一球)
1. a touch with the lips in kissing
• 吻,亲吻
  [Billiards & Snooker] a slight touch of a ball against another ball
[台球,斯诺克] (一球对另一球的)轻擦
  used to express affection at the end of a letter (conventionally represented by the letter X)
• 吻(用在信尾表示亲爱,传统上用字母X表示)
 »she sent lots of love and a whole line of kisses.
2. [N. Amer.] a small cake or biscuit, typically a meringue
[北美] 小甜酥饼
  a small sweet, especially one made of chocolate
• (尤指巧克力做的)小糖果
kiss and make up
1. become reconciled
• 和解
kiss and tell
1. (chiefly derogatory)recount one's sexual exploits, especially to the media concerning a famous person
[主贬] (尤指向媒体)描述自己(与名人)的性事
 »[as modifier] this isn't a kiss-and-tell book.
kiss someone's arse (或北美
1. (vulgar slang)behave obsequiously towards someone
[粗俚] 奉承,拍马
kiss ass
1. [N. Amer. vulgar slang] behave in an obsequious or sycophantic way
[北美, 粗俚] 奉承,拍马
kiss something better
1. [informal] comfort a sick or injured person, especially a child, by kissing the sore or injured part of their body as a gesture of removing pain
[非正式] [作为帮助减轻痛苦的姿态] 亲吻病人(尤指小孩)的伤痛处
kiss something goodbye (或 kiss goodbye to something)
1. [informal] accept the certain loss of something
[非正式] 接受某物的损失
 »I could kiss my career goodbye.
kiss of death
1. an action or event that causes certain failure for an enterprise
• 使企业挫败的行为(或事件)
 »it would be the kiss of death for the company if it could be proved that the food was unsafe.
kiss of life
1. mouth-to-mouth resuscitation
• 人工呼吸
  (figurative)an action or event that revives a failing enterprise
[喻] 拯救失败企业的行动(或事件)
 »good ratings gave the programme the kiss of life.
kiss of peace
1. a ceremonial kiss given or exchanged as a sign of unity, especially the kiss of the consecrated elements during the Christian Eucharist
• (团结友爱的象征的)接吻礼;(尤指教会圣餐时亲吻圣体的)亲吻礼
kiss the rod
1. accept punishment submissively
• 顺从地接受惩罚
kissable adjective
1. Old English cyssan (verb), of Germanic origin; related to Dutch kussen and German küssen
kiss someone/thing off
1. [N. Amer. informal] dismiss someone rudely; end a relationship abruptly
[北美,非正式] 粗暴解雇;突然结束关系
kiss up to
1. [N. Amer. informal] behave sycophantically or obsequiously towards (someone) in order to obtain something
[北美,非正式] 奉承,拍马

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