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late adj. 已故的,去世的

/ leit /

1. doing something or taking place after the expected, proper, or usual time
• 晚的,迟的
 »his late arrival.
 »she was half an hour late for her lunch appointment.
2. belonging or taking place far on in a particular time or period
• 迟来的
 »they won the game with a late goal.
  [attrib.] denoting the advanced stage of a period
• (时段)晚期的,末期的
 »the late 1960s.
 »arriving in the late afternoon.
  far on in the day or night
• (时间)晚的
 »I'm sorry the call is so late.
 »it's too late for sherry.
  originating at a point far on in an artistic period or artist's life
• (艺术时期,艺术家生涯)晚期,后期
 »his highly abstracted late landscapes.
 »late Gothic style.
  flowering or ripening towards the end of the season
• (花,果实)晚期的,后期的
 »the last late chrysanthemums.
3. (the/one's late)(of a specified person) no longer alive
• (人)已故的
 »the late Francis Bacon.
 »her late husband's grave.
  no longer having the specified status; former
• 原来的,以前的
 »a late colleague of mine.
4. (latest)of recent date
• 最近的,最新的
 »the latest news.
1. after the expected, proper, or usual time
• 迟,晚
 »she arrived late.
2. far on in time; towards the end of a period
• 后期,末期
 »it happened late in1984.
  at or until a time far on in the day or night
• (时间)晚
 »now I'm old enough to stay up late.
  (later)at a time in the near future; afterwards
• 不久以后
 »I'll see you later.
 » later on it will be easier.
3. (late of)formerly but not now living or working in a specified place or institution
• 以前,原
 »Mrs Halford, late of the County Records Office.
1. (the latest)the most recent news or fashion
• 最新消息,最新款式
 »have you heard the latest?
at the latest
1. no later than the time specified
• 最迟,最晚
 »all new cars will be required to meet this standard by 1997 at the latest.
late in the day (或北美
1. at a late stage in proceedings, especially too late to be useful
• 为时已晚,时机已过
 »you've realized it a little late in the day.
of late
1. recently
• 最近,近来
 »she'd been drinking too much of late.
lateness noun
1. Old English læt (adjective; also in the senseslow, tardy), late (adverb), of Germanic origin; related to German lass, from an Indo-European root shared by Latin lassus 'weary', let, and let

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