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lead v.带路;领导;致使;通向n.领导;主角;铅

/ li:d / vt. & vi., vt., n. / led / n.

(past and past participle led lɛd), [with obj.]
1. cause (a person or animal) to go with one by holding them by the hand, a halter, a rope, etc. while moving forward
• 带领(人)前进,牵着(动物)前进
 »she emerged leading a bay horse.
  [with obj. and adverbial of direction] show (someone or something) the way to a destination by going in front of or beside them
• 给 …带路
 »she stood up and led her friend to the door.
  be a reason or motive for (someone)
• 促使,让
 »nothing that I have read about the case leads me to the conclusion that anything untoward happened.
 »[with obj. and infinitive] a fascination for art led him to start a collection of paintings.
  [no obj., with adverbial of direction] be a route or means of access to a particular place or in a particular direction
• 通往,指向
 »a door leading to a better-lit corridor.
  [no obj.] (lead to)culminate in (a particular event)
• 导致(特定事件)
 »closing the plant will lead to 300 job losses.
  [no obj.] (lead no to)form a stage in a process which leads probably or inevitably to (a particular end)
• 引上,引入(特定终点)
 »his work on digestion led on to study of proteins and fats.
  (lead something through)cause a liquid or easily moving matter to pass through (a channel)
• 使液体(或流质)通过(水道)
2. be in charge or command of
• 带领,率领
 »a military delegation was led by the Chief of Staff.
  organize and direct
• 组织,指导
 »the conference included sessions led by people with personal knowledge of the area.
  set (a process) in motion
• 带动,导向
 »they are waiting for an expansion of world trade to lead a recovery.
  be the principal player of (a group of musicians)
• 为(乐队)领奏
 »since the forties he has led his own big bands.
  [no obj.] (lead with)assign the most important position to (a particular news item)
• 以头条报道(新闻)
 »the radio news led with the murder.
3. be superior to (competitors or colleagues)
• 领先于(竞争者,同事)
 »there will be specific areas or skills in which other nations lead the world.
  have the first place in (a competition); be ahead of (competitors)
• (竞赛中)领先,领先于(竞争者)
 »the Wantage jockey was leading the field.
  [no obj.] have the advantage in a race or game
• (比赛,游戏)保持优势
 »[with complement] he followed up with a break of 105 to lead 3-0.
4. have or experience (a particular way of life)
• 过(特定生活)
 »she's led a completely sheltered life.
5. initiate (action in a game or contest), in particular
• 开始(游戏,比赛),尤指
  (in card games) play (the first card) in a trick or round of play
• (牌戏)出第一张牌
  [no obj.] (lead with)[Boxing] make an attack with (a particular punch or fist)
[拳击] 出拳
 »Adam led with a left.
1. the initiative in an action; an example for others to follow
• 表率,榜样
 »Britain is now taking theenvironmental lead .
  a clue to be followed in the resolution of a problem
• 线索
 »detectives investigating the murder are chasing new leads.
  (in card games) an act or right of playing first in a trick or round of play
• (牌戏)率先出牌
 »it's your lead.
  the card played first in a trick or round
• 首张出牌
2. (the lead)a position of advantage in a contest; first place
• (竞赛)优势,领先;第一
 »they were beaten 5-3 after twice being in the lead.
  an amount by which a competitor is ahead of the others
• 领先(以数量表示)
 »the team held a slender one-goal lead.
3. the chief part in a play or film
• (戏剧,电影)主角
 »she had the lead in a new film.
 »[as modifier] the lead role.
  the person playing the chief part
• 主要演员
 »he still looked like a romantic lead.
  [usu. as modifier] the chief performer or instrument of a specified type
• 领演者,领奏者;领奏乐器
 »that girl will be your lead dancer.
  [often as modifier] the item of news given the greatest prominence in a newspaper or magazine
• 杂志或报纸的头条消息
 »the lead story.
4. [Brit.] a strap or cord for restraining and guiding a dog or other domestic animal
[英] (牵狗等用的)带子,绳子
5. a wire that conveys electric current from a source to an appliance, or that connects two points of a circuit together
• 导线,引线,连接线
6. the distance advanced by a screw in one turn
• 螺距,牙距
7. a channel, in particular
• 水道,尤指
  an artificial watercourse leading to a mill
• 进入磨坊的人工水渠
  a channel of water in an ice field
• 冰原上的水道
lead someone astray
1. cause someone to act or think foolishly or wrongly
• 使误入歧途,使想入非非
lead someone by the nose
1. [informal] control someone totally, especially by deceiving them
[非正式] (尤指用欺骗手段)牵着鼻子走
lead someone a dance --› see dance
lead from the front
1. take an active role in what one is urging and directing others to do
• 身先士卒,带头干
lead someone up (或北美
1. [informal] give someone misleading clues or signals
[非正式] 提供误导的线索(或信号)
lead the way --› see way
lead with one's chin
1. [informal] (of a boxer) leave one's chin unprotected
[非正式] (拳击运动员)未保护下巴
  (figurative)behave or speak incautiously
[喻] 言行轻率,鲁莽行事
1. Old English lǣdan, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch leiden and German leiten, also to load and lode
lead off
1. start
• 开始
 »the newsletter leads off with a report on tax bills.
  [Baseball] bat first in a game or inning
[棒球] 先击球
  [Baseball] (of a base-runner) be in a position to run from a base while standing off the base
[棒球] (跑垒者)准备跑垒
2. (of a door, room, or path) provide access away from a central space
• (门、室或路)引向,带离
 »a farm track led off to the left.
lead someone on
1. mislead or deceive someone, especially into believing that one is in love with or attracted to them
• 误导,欺骗(尤指使相信自己引人喜爱)
lead up to
1. immediately precede
• 作为…先导(或准备)
 »the weeks leading up to the elections.
  result in
• 导致
 »fashioning a policy appropriate to the situation entails understanding the forces that led up to it.
1. [mass noun] a heavy bluish-grey soft ductile metal, the chemical element of atomic number 82. It has been used in roofing, plumbing, ammunition, storage batteries, radiation shields, etc., and its compounds have been used in crystal glass, as an anti-knock agent in petrol, and (formerly) in paints[Symbol: Pb]
• (化学元素)铅(符号:Pb)
2. an item or implement made of lead, in particular
• 铅制品,尤指
  (leads)[Brit.] sheets or strips of lead covering a roof
[英] 屋顶铅板
  [Brit.] a piece of lead-covered roof
[英] 一块铅板屋顶
  (leads)lead frames holding the glass of a lattice or stained-glass window
• (镶窗玻璃的)铅条,铅框
  [Nautical] a lump of lead suspended on a line to determine the depth of water
[航海] (测量水深)铅锤
3. [mass noun] graphite used as the part of a pencil that makes a mark
• (铅笔)铅芯
4. [Printing] a blank space between lines of print
[印刷] 行间距
get the lead out
1. (informal, chieflyN. Amer.)move or work more quickly
[非正式,主北美] 加快脚步,加快工作
lead in one's pencil
1. [informal] [非正式] vigour or energy, especially sexual energy in a man
• 精力,活力,(尤指)男人性能力
1. Old English lēad, of West Germanic origin; related to Dutch lood 'lead' and German Lot 'plummet, solder'

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