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leap v./n.跳跃, 跳,飞跃

/ li:p /

(past or past participle leaped 或 leapt )
1. [no obj., with adverbial] jump or spring a long way, to a great height, or with great force
• 跳,跳跃
 »he leapt on to the parapet.
 »Fabia's heart leapt excitedly.
  move quickly and suddenly
• 飞快移动
 »Polly leapt to her feet.
  [with obj.] jump across
• 跳越,跳过
 »Peter leapt the last few stairs.
  make a sudden rush to do something; act eagerly and suddenly
• 突然行动,急不可待地行动
 »everybody leapt into action.
  (leap at)accept (an opportunity) eagerly
• 急切接受(机会)
 »they leapt at the opportunity to combine fun with fund-raising.
  (of a price or figure) increase dramatically
• (价格,数字)飞涨,急剧增长
 »sales leapt by a third last year.
  (leap out)(especially of writing) be conspicuous; stand out
• (尤指文字)显眼,突现
 »amid the notes, a couple of items leap out.
1. a forceful jump or quick movement
• 跳,跳跃
 »she came downstairs in a series of flying leaps.
  a dramatic increase in price, amount, etc
• (价格,数量)剧涨
 »a leap of 75 per cent in two years.
  a sudden abrupt change or transition
• 突然改变,突然转换
 »a leap of faith.
  [in place names] a thing to be leaped over or from
• [用于地名]越过(或起跳)处
 »Lover's Leap.
a leap in the dark
1. a daring step or enterprise whose consequences are unpredictable
• 冒险行动,未知数很大之举
by (或 in) leaps and bounds
1. with startlingly rapid progress
• 突飞猛进地
 »productivity improved in leaps and bounds.
leap to the eye
1. (especially of writing) be immediately apparent
• (尤指文字)突现,显眼
leaper noun
1. Old English hlēapan (verb), hlȳp (noun), of Germanic origin; related to Dutch lopen, German laufen (verb), and Dutch loop, German Lauf (noun), all meaning 'run', also to lope

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