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limit n.限度,限制;[pl.]范围 vt.限制,限定

/ 5limit /

1. a point or level beyond which something does not or may not extend or pass
• 界限
 »the failure showed the limits of British power.
 »the 10-minute limit on speeches.
 »there was no limit to his imagination.
  [常作limits] the terminal point or boundary of an area or movement
• (地区或活动的)范围
 »the city limits.
 »the upper limit of the tidal reaches.
  the furthest extent of one's physical or mental endurance
• (体力或脑力的)极限
 »Mary Ann tried everyone's patience to the limit.
 »other horses were reaching their limit.
2. a restriction on the size or amount of something permissible or possible
• 限制
 »an age limit.
 »a weight limit.
  a speed limit
• 速度限制
 »a 30 mph limit.
  [亦作legal limit] the maximum concentration of alcohol in the blood that the law allows in the driver of a motor vehicle
• (法律允许的机动车驾驶员血液的)最高酒精浓度
 »the risk of drinkers inadvertently going over the limit.
3. [Mathematics] a point or value which a sequence, function, or sum of a series can be made to approach progressively, until they are as close to it as desired
[数] 极限
(limited, limiting)
1. [with obj.] set or serve as a limit to
• 限制
 »try to limit the amount you drink.
 »class sizes are limited to a maximum of 10.
 »[as adj. limiting] a limiting factor.
be the limit
1. [informal] be intolerably troublesome or irritating
[非正式] 十分讨厌的,令人气恼的
off limits
1. out of bounds
• 禁止入内
 »they declared the site off limits.
 »there was no topic that was off limits for discussion.
within limits
1. moderately; up to a point
• 适度地,在某范围内
without limit
1. with no restriction
• 没有限制
limitative adjective
1. late Middle English: from Latin limes, limit- 'boundary, frontier'. The verb is from Latin limitare, from limes

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