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litter n.废物,杂乱 vi.乱扔

/ 5litE /

1. [mass noun] rubbish, such as paper, tins, and bottles, that is left lying in an open or public place
• (在公共场所乱扔的)废物,垃圾
 »fines for dropping litter.
  [in sing.] an untidy collection of things lying about
• 一堆(杂乱的)东西
 »a litter of sleeping bags on the floor.
2. a number of young animals born to an animal at one time
• 一窝(小动物)
 »a litter of five kittens.
3. [mass noun] material forming a bedding or carpet, in particular
• 铺垫物,尤指
  (也作 cat litter)granular absorbent material lining a tray where a cat can urinate and defecate when indoors
• 猫沙
  [mass noun] straw or other plant matter used as bedding for animals
• 褥草
  (也作 leaf litter)decomposing but recognizable leaves and other debris forming a layer on top of the soil, especially in forests
• 枯枝落叶层
4. (historical)a vehicle containing a bed or seat enclosed by curtains and carried on men's shoulders or by animals
[史] (有床或座的)车,轿
  a framework with a couch for transporting the sick and wounded
• 担架
verb, [with obj.]
1. make (a place) untidy with rubbish or a large number of objects left lying about
• 乱扔(废物,垃圾)
 »clothes and newspapers littered the floor.
  [with obj. and adverbial] [一般作 be littered] leave (rubbish or a number of objects) lying untidily in a place
• 乱扔,乱丢
 »there was broken glass littered about.
  [一般作 be littered with] (figurative)fill (a text, history, etc.) with examples of something unpleasant
[喻] 在(文章,历史)中充斥,塞满(不良事物)
 »news pages have been littered with doom and gloom about company collapses.
2. (archaic)provide (a horse or other animal) with litter as bedding
[古] (为马或其他动物)铺褥草
1. Middle English (in sense 4 of the noun): from Old French litiere, from medieval Latin lectaria, from Latin lectus 'bed'. Sense 1 dates from the mid 18th cent

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