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look vi./n.看,注视 v.好像,显得 n.外表,脸色

/ luk /

verb, [no obj.]
1. [no obj., usu. with adverbial of direction] direct one's gaze towards someone or something or in a specified direction
• 看
 »people were looking at him.
 »they looked up as he came into the room.
  (of a building or room) have a view or outlook in a specified direction
• (房屋)朝向
 »the principal rooms look out over Mylor Harbour.
  (look through)ignore (someone) by pretending not to see them
• 假装没看见
 »he glanced up once but looked right through me.
  [with obj.] [dated] express or show (something) by one's gaze
[旧] 用眼神表示,现出…的神情
 »Poirot looked a question.
  (look something over)inspect something quickly with a view to establishing its merits
• 参观,视察
 »they looked over a property in Great Marlborough Street.
  (look through)peruse (a book or other written material)
• 细读(书或其他写作作品)
 »we looked through all the books and this was still the one we liked best.
  (look round/around)move round (a place or building) in order to view whatever it might contain that is of interest
• 环顾,周游
 »he spent the morning and afternoon looking round Edinburgh.
  (look at/on)think of or regard in a specified way
• 看待
 »I look at tennis differently from some coaches.
  (look at)examine (a matter, especially a problem) and consider what action to take
• 检查,查看(以采取应对措施)
 »a committee is looking at the financing of the BBC.
  (look into)investigate
• 调查
 »the police looked into his business dealings.
  (look for)attempt to find
• 寻找
 »Howard has been looking for you.
  [with clause] ascertain with a quick glance
• 确定,发现
 »people finishing work don't look where they're going.
2. [with complement or adverbial] have the appearance or give the impression of being
• 看起来像
 »her father looked unhappy.
 »the home looked like a prison.
 »[as adj., in combination -looking] a funny-looking bloke.
  (look like)[informal] show a likelihood of
[非正式] 相似,像
 »[with present participle] Leeds didn't look like scoring from any of their corners.
 »[with clause] it doesn't look like you'll be moving to Liverpool.
  (look oneself)appear one's normal, healthy self
• 看上去精神(或气色)好
 »he just didn't look himself at all.
3. (look to)rely on to do or provide something
• 依赖,提供
 »she will look to you for help.
  [with infinitive] hope or expect to do something
• 希望,期待
 »universities are looking to expand their intakes.
  [with clause] (archaic)take care; make sure
[古] 照顾;确定
 »Look ye obey the masters of the craft.
1. an act of directing one's gaze in order to see someone or something
• 看一看
 »let me get a closer look.
  an expression of a feeling or thought by such an act
• 看一眼
 »the orderly gave me a funny look.
  a scrutiny or examination
• 检查
 »the government should be taking a look at the amount of grant the council receives.
2. the appearance of someone or something, especially as expressing a particular quality
• 景象,样子
 »the bedraggled look of the village.
  (looks)a person's facial appearance considered aesthetically
• 模样,外表
 »he had charm, good looks, and an amusing insouciance.
  a style or fashion
• 风格,时尚
 »Italian designers unveiled their latest look.
1. (也作 look here!)used to call attention to what one is going to say
• [用以引起他人注意]看哪
 »‘Look, this is ridiculous.’.
look one's age
1. appear to be as old as one really is
• 符合年龄
look alive --› see look lively
look before you leap
1. (proverb)one shouldn't act without first considering the possible consequences or dangers
[谚] 三思而后行
look daggers at --› see dagger
look down one's nose at
1. another way of saying look down on
• 同 look down on
look for trouble --› see trouble
look someone in the eye (或 face)
1. look directly at someone without showing embarrassment, fear, or shame
• 直视
look lively (或旧
1. [informal] used to tell someone to be quick in doing something
[非正式] 打起精神来,快点干
look the other way
1. deliberately ignore wrongdoing by others
• 纵容,视而不见
 »they do look the other way at corrupt practices here.
look sharp
1. be quick
• 快
look small --› see small
look to the future
1. consider and plan for what is in the future, rather than worrying about the past or present
• 放眼未来
look someone up and down
1. scrutinize someone carefully
• 仔细打量,审视
1. Old English lōcian (verb), of West Germanic origin; related to German dialect lugen
look after
1. take care of
• 照顾,照看
 »women who stay at home to look after children.
look back
1. think of the past
• 回顾
 » don't waste time looking back on things which have caused you distress.
2. [with negative] suffer a setback or interrupted progress
• 踯躅不前
 »she launched her own company in 1981 and has never looked back.
look down on
1. regard (someone) with a feeling of superiority
• 轻视
look forward to
1. await eagerly
• 急切等待
 »we look forward to seeing you.
look in
1. make a short visit or call
• 短暂拜访
 »I will look in on you tomorrow.
look on
1. watch without getting involved
• 旁观
 »Cameron was looking on and making no move to help.
look out
1. [usu. in imperative] be vigilant and take notice
• 小心
 »‘Look out!’ warned Billie, seeing a movement from the room beyond.
 » look out for the early warning signals.
look something out
1. [Brit.] search for and produce something
[英] 寻找,产生
 »I've got a catalogue somewhere and I'll look it out if you're interested.
look up
1. (of a situation) improve
• (情势)好转
 »things seemed to be looking up at last.
look someone up
1. [informal] make social contact with someone
[非正式] 与…接触,与…交往
look something up
1. search for and find a piece of information in a reference book
• 查询
look up to
1. have a great deal of respect for (someone)
• 景仰
 »he needed a model, someone to look up to.

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