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/ lu:p /

1. a shape produced by a curve that bends round and crosses itself
• 环,圈
  a length of thread, rope, or similar material, doubled or crossing itself, typically used as a fastening or handle
• (线、绳或类似材料的)环,扣,圈
  a curved stroke forming part of a letter (e.g. b, p)
• 字母的环形部分(如b, p)
  (也作 loop line)a length of railway track which is connected at either end to the main line and on to which trains can be diverted to allow others to pass
• (可改道的)会车线
  (也作 loop road)a stretch of road that diverges from a main road and joins it again
• 环行路
  (也作 loop-the-loop)a manoeuvre in which an aircraft describes a vertical circle in the air
• 翻筋斗
  [Skating] a manoeuvre describing a curve that crosses itself, made on a single edge
[滑冰] 单刃转圈
  [dated] a contraceptive coil
[旧] 节育环
  short for induction loop
• induction loop. 的简称
2. a structure, series, or process the end of which is connected to the beginning
• 环状结构(或系列);循环过程
  an endless strip of tape or film allowing continuous repetition
• 无限循环
  a complete circuit for an electric current
• 回路
  [Computing] a programmed sequence of instructions that is repeated until or while a particular condition is satisfied
[计算机] 循环
1. [with obj. and adverbial] form (something) into a loop or loops; encircle
• 环绕
 »she looped her arms around his neck.
  [no obj., with adverbial] follow a course that forms a loop or loops
• 绕行
 »the canal loops for two miles through the city.
  put into or execute a loop of tape, film, or computing instructions
• 放磁带;放电影;运行计算机指令
  (也作 loop the loop)circle an aircraft vertically in the air
• 绕着飞机翻筋斗
in (或 out of) the loop
1. (informal, chieflyUS)aware (or unaware) of information known to only a privileged few
[非正式,主美] (不)了解内幕
throw (或 knock) someone for a loop
1. [N. Amer. informal] surprise or astonish someone; catch someone off guard
[北美,非正式] 使惊奇,突袭
1. late Middle English: of unknown origin; compare with Scottish Gaelic lùb 'loop, bend'

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