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mad a.发疯的;狂热的,着迷的;恼火的,生气的

/ mAd /

(madder, maddest)
1. mentally ill; insane
• 疯的,神经错乱的,精神失常的
 »he felt as if he were going mad.
  (of a person, conduct, or an idea) extremely foolish or ill-advised
• (人,行为,想法)极其愚蠢的;无知的
 »Antony's mother told him he was mad to be leaving Dublin.
  in a frenzied mental or physical state
• 发疯的,发狂的
 »she pictured loved ones mad with anxiety about her.
 »it was a mad dash to get ready.
  [informal] enthusiastic about someone or something
[非正式] 狂热的,着迷的
 »I'm mad about jacket potatoes with lots of butter.
 »[postpositive, in combination] Kenny was always football-mad.
  [informal] very angry
[非正式] 非常恼火的;狂怒的
 »he must be pretty mad at her for not being at home when they arrived.
  [Brit. informal] very exciting
[英,非正式] 非常激动的,非常兴奋的
  (of a dog) rabid
• (狗)患狂犬病的
(madded, madding)
1. [with obj.] (archaic)make mad or insane
[古] 使…发疯,使…疯狂
go mad
1. [informal] allow oneself to get carried away by enthusiasm or excitement
[非正式] 狂欢
 »let's go mad and splash out.
like mad
1. [informal] with great intensity, energy, or enthusiasm
[非正式] 发疯似的;狂热地;拼命地;猛烈地
 »I ran like mad.
(as) mad as a hatter
1. [informal] completely crazy
[非正式] 非常疯狂的;全然神经错乱的
mad keen
1. [informal] extremely enthusiastic
[非正式] 极其狂热的
 »some men are mad keen on football.
1. Old English gemǣd(e)d 'maddened', participial form related to gemād 'mad', of Germanic origin

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