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man n.(pl.men)人;人类(单数,不加冠词);男人

/ mAn /

(pl. men )
1. an adult human male
• (成年)男子,男人
  a male worker or employee
• 男工人,男雇员
 »over 700 men were made redundant.
 »the BBC's man in India.
  a male member of a sports team
• (运动队)男队员
 »Johnson took the ball past three men and scored.
  (men)ordinary members of the armed forces as distinct from the officers
• 士兵
 »he had a platoon of forty men to prepare for battle.
  a husband, boyfriend, or lover
• 丈夫;男友;情人
 »the two of them lived for a time as man and wife.
  [with modifier] a male person associated with a particular place, activity, or occupation
• (属于某地、某一活动或职业的)男人
 »a Cambridge man.
 »I'm a solid Labour man.
  a male pursued or sought by another, especially in connection with a crime
• 被追捕的男性
 »Inspector Bull was sure they would find their man.
  [dated] a manservant or valet
[旧] 男仆;男随从
 »get me a cocktail, my man.
  (historical)a vassal
[史] 封臣;臣属
2. a human being of either sex; a person
• (不论性别的)人
 »God cares for all races and all men.
  (也作 Man)[in sing.] human beings in general; the human race
• 人类
 »places untouched by the ravages of man.
  [in sing.] an individual; one
• 个人
 »a man could buy a lot with eighteen million dollars.
  a person with the qualities typically associated with males, such as bravery, spirit, or toughness
• 男子汉,大丈夫
 »she was more of a man than any of them.
  [informal] used in speech as a form of address (usually to a man but sometimes to a woman or child)
[非正式] [用作称谓,通常用于男人,有时也用于妇女或儿童] 老兄;伙计
 »hey, man, you think you might be able to play tomorrow?
  [in sing.] [with adj. or noun modifier] a type of prehistoric human named after the place where the remains were found
• (按发现其遗迹的地名命名的)史前人种
 »Cro-Magnon man.
3. [一般作 the Man] [informal] a group or person in a position of authority over others, such as a corporate employer or the police
[非正式] 头头;老板;警察
 »they've mastered their emotive grunge-pop without haggling with the Man.
  (black slang)white people collectively regarded as the controlling group in society
[黑人俚语] (作为社会统治群体的)白人;白人社会
 »he urged that black college athletes boycott the Man's Rose Bowl.
4. a figure or token used in playing a board game
• (棋类游戏)棋子
(manned, manning), [with obj.]
1. [常作 be manned] provide (something, especially a place or machine) with the personnel to run, operate, or defend it
• 给(某物,尤指地方或机器)配备操作(或保卫)人员
 »the firemen manned the pumps and fought the blaze.
  provide someone to fill (a post or office)
• 派人担任(职务)
 »the chaplaincy was formerly manned by the cathedral.
2. (archaic)fortify the spirits or courage of
[古] 为…鼓气;为…壮胆
 »he manned himself with dauntless air.
1. (informal, chiefly N. Amer.)used, irrespective of the sex of the person addressed, to express surprise, admiration, delight, etc., or for emphasis
[非正式,主北美] (表示惊讶、赞美、高兴或强调等)啊;呀;哈;啊呀;喂;嗨;嘿
 »wow, like cosmic, man.
as — as the next man
1. as — as the average person
• 像普通人一样…
 »I'm as ambitious as the next man.
as one man
1. with everyone acting together or in agreement
• 一致地
 »the crowd rose to their feet as one man.
be someone's (或 the) man
1. be the person perfectly suited to a particular requirement or task
• 最佳人选
 »for any colouring and perming services, David's your man.
be man enough to do (或 for)
1. be brave enough to do
• 有足够的勇气做
 »he has not been man enough to face up to his responsibilities.
every man for himself and the devil take the hindmost
1. (proverb)everyone should (or does) look after their own interests rather than considering those of others
[谚] 各人自己照管自己,自顾自
 »in previous student flats she'd shared, it was every man for himself.
 »full speed ahead and the devil take the hindmost.
make a man out of someone
1. (of an experience or person) turn a young man into a mature adult
• (经历或人)使某人成熟,使某人长大成人
 »I make men out of them and teach them never to let anyone outsmart them.
man about town
1. a fashionable male socialite
• 社交名人,时髦男人
man and boy
1. [dated] throughout life from youth
[旧] 从童年到成年;整个一生
 »the time when families worked in the fields man and boy.
the man in the moon
1. the imagined likeness of a face seen on the surface of a full moon
• 月中人
  (figurative)used, especially in comparisons, to refer to someone regarded as out of touch with real life
[喻] 脱离实际生活的人
 »a kid with no more idea of what a girl needed than the man in the moon.
the man in (或美
1. an ordinary person, often with regard to their opinions, or as distinct from an expert
• 普通人,常人
 »he had been his eyes and ears in the community, voiced the opinions of the man in the street.
man of action --› see action
man of the cloth
1. a clergyman
• 牧师;教士
man of God
1. a clergyman
• 牧师;教士
  a holy man or saint
• 圣人
man of honour
1. a man who adheres to what is right or to a high standard of conduct
• 正直的人
man of the house
1. the male head of a household
• 男主人,男户主
man of letters
1. a male scholar or author
• 男性学者;男作家
man of the match
1. the team member who has given the most outstanding performance in a particular game
• (一场比赛)最佳队员
man of the moment
1. a man of importance at a particular time
• 关键人物
man of straw (也作 straw man)
1. a person compared to a straw image; a sham
• 稻草人;假冒者
  a sham argument set up to be defeated
• (供反驳用)假想的观点
2. a person undertaking a financial commitment without adequate means
• 金融骗子,承诺出资却无力实现者
man of the world --› see world
the man on the Clapham omnibus
1. [Brit.] the average man, especially with regard to his opinions
[英] 普通人
man's best friend
1. an affectionate or approving way of referring to the dog
• 人类最好的朋友(指狗)
a man's man
1. a man whose personality is such that he is more popular and at ease with other men than with women
• 与同性相处更自在的男人
man to man
1. in a direct and frank way between two men; openly and honestly
• 坦率地,开诚布公地
 »he was able to talk man to man with the delegates.
 »a man-to-man chat.
2. denoting a defensive tactic in soccer or other sport in which each player is responsible for marking one opponent
• (足球等运动等)一对一地,人盯人地
 »one of the best man-to-man markers in the English game.
 »Washington's cornerbacks are fast enough to cover man-to-man.
men in (grey) suits
1. powerful men within an organization who exercise their influence or authority anonymously
• 后台;幕后操纵的人
men in white coats
1. (humorous)psychiatrists or psychiatric workers (used to imply that someone is mad or mentally unbalanced)
[幽默] 白衣人(指精神病医生或精神病治疗工作者)
 »I wondered how much more stupid I could get before the men in white coats would lead me away.
the men's (或 the men's room)
1. a men's public toilet
• 男盥洗室,男厕所
my [或my good或my dear] man
1. [Brit. dated] a patronizing form of address to a man
[英,旧] (屈尊俯就的称呼)老弟;朋友
separate (或 sort out) the men from the boys
1. [informal] show or prove which people in a group are truly competent, brave, or mature
[非正式] 区分真汉子与小男孩
to a man
1. without exception
• 无一例外地
 »to a man, we have all taken a keen interest in the business.
manless adjective
1. Old English man(n), (plural) menn (noun), mannian (verb), of Germanic origin; related to Dutch man, German Mann, and Sanskrit manu 'mankind'
1. Traditionally the word man has been used to refer not only to adult males but also to human beings in general, regardless of sex. There is a historical explanation for this: in Old English the principal sense of man was ‘a human being’, and the words wer and wif were used to refer specifically to ‘a male person’ and ‘a female person’ respectively. Subsequently, man replaced wer as the normal term for ‘a male person’, but at the same time the older sense ‘a human being’ remained in use.In the second half of the twentieth century the generic use of man to refer to ‘human beings in general’ (as in reptiles were here long before man appeared on the earthbecame problematic; the use is now often regarded as sexist or at best old-fashioned. In some contexts, alternative terms such as the human race or humankind may be used. Fixed phrases and sayings such as time and tide wait for no man can be easily rephrased, e.gtime and tide wait for nobodyHowever, in other cases, particularly in compound forms, alternatives have not yet become established: there are no standard accepted alternatives for manpower or the verb man, for example

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