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mate n.伴侣,配偶

/ meit /

1. [Brit. informal] a friend or companion
[英,非正式] 朋友;伴侣
 »I was with a mate.
 »my best mate Steve.
  used as a friendly form of address between men or boys
• 老兄,老弟[用于男人或男孩之间的友善称呼]
 »‘See you then, mate.’.
  in combination a fellow member or joint occupant of a specified thing
• 同学,同桌,室友[用于合成词,表示指明的同伴]
 »his table-mates.
2. each of a pair of birds or other animals
• (鸟,兽)配偶
 »a male bird sings to court a mate.
  [informal] a person's husband, wife, or other sexual partner
[非正式] 配偶;丈夫;妻子;性伙伴
3. an assistant or deputy, in particular
• 助手,副手,尤指
  an assistant to a skilled worker
• 下手
 »a plumber's mate.
  an officer on a merchant ship subordinate to the master
• 大副。
--› see first mate
1. [no obj.] (of animals or birds) come together for breeding; copulate
• (鸟,兽)交配,交尾
 »successful males may mate with many females.
 »[as noun mating] ovulation occurs only if mating has taken place.
  [with obj.] bring (animals or birds) together for breeding
• 将(鸟或兽)聚拢在一起进行繁殖
  (humorous)join in marriage or sexual partnership
[幽默] 结婚;发生性关系
 »people tend to mate with others in their own social class.
2. [with obj.] join or connect mechanically
• 连接,配备
 »a four-cylinder engine mated toa five-speed gearbox.
  [no obj.] be connected or joined
• 连接,结合
mateless adjective
1. late Middle English: from Middle Low German māt(e) 'comrade', of West Germanic origin; related to meat (the underlying notion being that of eating together)
noun & verb
1. [Chess] . short for checkmate
[棋] checkmate的简称
fool's mate
1. a game in which White is mated by Black's queen on the second move
• 走第二步棋时白方就被黑方将死的败局
scholar's mate
1. a game in which White mates Black on the fourth move with the queen, supported by the king's bishop
• 走第四步棋时白方用后和王象把黑方将死的棋局
1. Middle English: the noun from Anglo-Norman French mat (from the phrase eschec mat 'checkmate'); the verb from Anglo-Norman French mater 'to checkmate'

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