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matrix n 母体;子宫(matri+x→母亲→母体)

/ 5meItrIks /

(pl. matrices -siːz 或 matrixes)
1. an environment or material in which something develops; a surrounding medium or structure
• 母体;基体,发源地
 »Oxbridge was the matrix of the ideology.
  a mass of fine-grained rock in which gems, crystals, or fossils are embedded
• 基岩,母岩
  [Biology] the substance between cells or in which structures are embedded
[生] 细胞间质,基质
  fine material
• 精细材料
 »the matrix of gravel paths is hoed regularly.
2. a mould in which something, such as a gramophone record or printing type, is cast or shaped
• 模板;唱片母版;字模
3. [Mathematics] a rectangular array of quantities or expressions in rows and columns that is treated as a single entity and manipulated according to particular rules
[数] 矩,矩阵
  a grid-like array of elements, especially of data items; a lattice
• 数组;点阵
  an organizational structure in which two or more lines of command, responsibility, or communication may run through the same individual
• 交叉结构
1. late Middle English (in the sense womb): from Latin, breeding female', later womb', from mater, matr- 'mother'

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