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mean a.小气自私的;坏脾气的;难相处的;恶毒的

/ mi:n /

(past and past participle meant ), [with obj.]
1. intend to convey, indicate, or refer to (a particular thing or notion); signify
• 指示,表示;意味
 »I don't know what you mean.
 »he was asked to clarify what his remarks meant.
 »I meant you, not Jones.
  (of a word) have (something) as its signification in the same language or its equivalent in another language
• (词的)意思是
 »its name means ‘painted rock’ in Cherokee.
  genuinely intend to convey or express (something)
• 真实地表达
 »when she said that before she meant it.
  (mean something to)be of some specified importance to (someone), especially as a source of benefit or object of affection
• 具有(指明的)重要性
 »animals have always meant more to him than people.
2. intend (something) to occur or be the case
• 意欲,打算
 »they mean no harm.
 »[with infinitive] it was meant to be a secret.
  (be meant to do something)be supposed or intended to do something
• 应该做,被要求做
 »we were meant to go over yesterday.
  [常作 be meant for] design or destine for a particular purpose
• 为…设计(或指定)
 »the jacket was meant for a much larger person.
  (mean something by)have as a motive or excuse in explanation
• 有…意图(或借口)
 »what do you mean by leaving me out here in the cold?
  (be meant to be)be generally considered to be
• 一般被认为是
 »this one's meant to be priceless.
3. have as a consequence or result
• 引起,造成
 »the proposals are likely to mean another hundred closures.
 »[with clause] heavy rain meant that the pitch was waterlogged.
  necessarily or usually entail or involve
• (必然或往往)招致,涉及
 »coal stoves mean a lot of smoke.
I mean
1. used to clarify or correct a statement or to introduce a justification or explanation
• 我想,我说,我的意思是(用于澄清或纠正,或用于提出理由、解释)
 »I mean, it's not as if I owned property.
mean business
1. be in earnest
• 认真,热心
mean to say
1. [usu. in questions] really admit or intend to say
• 意思是说;想说
 »do you mean to say you've uncovered something new?
mean well
1. have good intentions, but not always the ability to carry them out
• 用意是好的,初衷是好的
1. Old English mænan, of West Germanic origin; related to Dutch meenen and German meinen, from an Indo-European root shared by mind
1. unwilling to give or share things, especially money; not generous
• 吝啬的,小气的
 »she felt mean not giving a tip.
 »they're not mean with the garlic.
2. unkind, spiteful, or unfair
• 刻薄的;恶意的;有偏见的
 »it was very mean of me.
 »I was mean to them over the festive season.
  [N. Amer.] vicious or aggressive in behaviour
[北美] 凶狠的,好斗的
 »the dogs were considered mean, vicious, and a threat.
3. (especially of a place) poor in quality and appearance; shabby
• 低劣的;破旧的
 »her home was mean and small.
  (of a person's mental capacity or understanding) inferior; poor
• (智力或理解力)低下的,下等的;差的
 »it was obvious to even the meanest intelligence.
  [dated] of low birth or social class
[旧] 出生卑微的,社会地位低下的
 »a muffler like that worn by the meanest of people.
4. [informal] excellent; very skilful or effective
[非正式] 出色的;灵巧的;有效的
 »he's a mean cook.
 »she dances a mean Charleston.
mean streets
1. used in reference to a socially deprived area of a city, or one which is noted for violence and crime
• 贫民街区;治安混乱的城区
 »the mean streets of the South Bronx.
no mean —
1. denoting something very good of its kind
• 很好的,很棒的
 »it was no mean feat.
meanly adverb
meanness noun
1. Middle English, shortening of Old English gemǣne, of Germanic origin, from an Indo-European root shared by Latin communis 'common'. The original sense was 'common to two or more persons', later 'inferior in rank', leading to sense 3 and a sense 'ignoble, small-minded', from which senses 1 and 2 (which became common in the 19th cent.) arose
1. the quotient of the sum of several quantities and their number; an average
• 平均数;平均值;平均。
--› see arithmetic mean , geometric mean
 »acid output was calculated by taking the mean of all three samples.
  the term or one of the terms midway between the first and last terms of a progression
• 中项,中间
2. a condition, quality, or course of action equally removed from two opposite (usually unsatisfactory) extremes
• 中庸;折中
 »the measure expresses a mean between saving and splashing out.
adjective, [attrib.]
1. (of a quantity) calculated as a mean; average
• 平均的
 »by 1989 the mean age at marriage stood at 24.8 for women and 26.9 for men.
2. equally far from two extremes
• 中间的,中等的,居中的;中庸的
 »hope is the mean virtue between despair and presumption.
1. Middle English: from Old French meien, from Latin medianus 'middle' (see median )

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