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meat n.(猪、牛、羊等的)肉

/ mi:t /

noun, [mass noun]
1. the flesh of an animal (especially a mammal) as food
• (食用)肉
 »rabbit meat.
 »[as modifier] meat pies.
 »[count noun] cold meats.
  the flesh of a person's body
• (人体)肉
 »this'll put meat on your bones!.
  (chieflyUS)the edible part of fruits, nuts, or eggs
[主美] 果肉,(蛋的)可食用部分
  (the meat of)the essence or chief part of something
• 实质;主要部分
 »he did the meat of the climb on the first day.
2. (archaic)food of any kind
[古] 食物,饭
be meat and drink to

1. be a source of great pleasure to
• 乐趣,快乐
 »meat and drink to me, this life is!.
2. be a routine matter or task for
• 惯常的事;任务
 »he should be meat and drink to the English defence.
easy meat
1. [informal] a person or animal that is easily overcome or outwitted
[非正式] 容易对付的人(或动物)
meat and potatoes
1. ordinary but fundamental things; basic ingredients
• 重要部分;基本成分
 »the club's meat and potatoes remains blues performers.
one man's meat is another man's poison
1. (proverb)things liked or enjoyed by one person may be distasteful to another
[谚] 人各有好恶
meatless adjective
1. Old English mete 'food' or 'article of food' (as in sweetmeat), of Germanic origin

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