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memory n.记忆,记忆力;回忆,怀念;存储(器)

/ 5memEri /

(pl. -ies)
1. a person's power to remember things
• 记忆力,记性
 »I've a great memory for faces.
 »my grandmother is losing her memory.
  [mass noun] the power of the mind to remember things
• 记忆
 »the brain regions responsible for memory.
  the mind regarded as a store of things remembered
• 记忆
 »he searched his memory frantically for an answer.
2. something remembered from the past; a recollection
• 记忆中事物;回忆
 »one of my earliest memories is of sitting on his knee.
 »[mass noun] the mind can bury all memory of traumatic abuse.
  [mass noun] the remembering or recollection of a dead person, especially one who was popular or respected
• (尤指对喜爱或尊敬者的)纪念
 »clubs devoted to the memory of Sherlock Holmes.
  [mass noun] the length of time over which people continue to remember a person or event
• 记忆范围,记忆所及年限
 »the worst slump in recent memory.
3. the part of a computer in which data or program instructions can be stored for retrieval
• (计算机的)存储器
  [mass noun] capacity for storing information in this way
• (存储器)内存
 »the module provides 16Mb of memory.
from memory
1. without reading or referring to notes
• 凭记忆
 »each child was required to recite a verse from memory.
in memory of
1. intended to remind people of, especially to honour a dead person
• 纪念(尤指死者)
take a trip (或 walk) down memory lane
1. deliberately recall pleasant or sentimental memories
• 追忆
1. Middle English: from Old French memorie, from Latin memoria, from memor 'mindful, remembering'

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