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message n.消息,音信,口信,便条;启示,要旨

/ 5mesidV /

1. a verbal, written, or recorded communication sent to or left for a recipient who cannot be contacted directly
• 口信;消息,信息
 »if I'm not there leave a message on the answerphone.
  (也作 mail message)an item of electronic mail
• 电子邮件
  an electronic communication generated automatically by a computer program and displayed on a VDU
• 自动显示电子信息
 »an error message.
  a significant point or central theme, especially one that has political, social, or moral importance
• 教训;寓意;要旨
 »a campaign to get the message about home security across.
  a divinely inspired communication from a prophet or preacher
• (先知或传教士的)预言
   [US] a television or radio advertisement
[美] 电视广告;收音机广告
2. [Scottish & Irish] an errand
[苏格兰,爱尔兰] 使命;差使
 »he would run those interminable messages after school to the pub or the bookie.
  (messages)things bought on an errand; shopping
• 采购的物品
get the message
1. [informal] infer an implication from a remark or action
[非正式] 理解(话或行动的)暗含之意
send a message
1. make a significant statement, either implicitly or by one's actions
• (含蓄或通过行动)表达重要意思
 »the elections sent a message to political quarters that the party was riding a wave of popularity.
1. Middle English: from Old French, based on Latin missus, past participle of mittere 'send'

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