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mind n.脑子;意见;情绪 v.注意;介意;专心于

/ maind /

1. the element of a person that enables them to be aware of the world and their experiences, to think, and to feel; the faculty of consciousness and thought
• 头脑
 »as the thoughts ran through his mind, he came to a conclusion.
 »people have the price they are prepared to pay settled in their minds.
  a person's mental processes contrasted with physical action
• 思维
 »I wrote a letter in my mind.
2. a person's intellect
• 智力,思维能力
 »his keen mind.
  the state of normal mental functioning in a person
• 正常思维
 »the strain has affected his mind.
  a person's memory
• 记性,记忆力
 »the company's name slips my mind.
  a person identified with their intellectual faculties
• 有才智者
 »he was one of the greatest minds of his time.
3. a person's attention
• 注意力,心思
 »I expect my employees to keep their minds on the job.
  the will or determination to achieve something
• 意愿,意向
 »anyone can slim if they set their mind to it.
verb, [with obj.]
1. [often with negative] be distressed, annoyed, or worried by
• 介意,在乎
 »I don't mind the rain.
  have an objection to
• 反对
 »what does that mean, if you don't mind my asking?
 »[with clause] do you mind if I have a cigarette?
  [with negative or in questions] (mind doing something)be reluctant to do something (often used in polite requests)
[常用于礼貌请求] 不愿(做)
 »I don't mind admitting I was worried.
  (would not mind something)[informal] used to express one's strong enthusiasm for something
[非正式] 渴求,很想要
 »I wouldn't mind some coaching from him!.
2. regard as important and worthy of attention
• 注意;留心,当心
 »never mind the opinion polls.
  [no obj.] feel concern
• 在意
 »why should she mind about a few snubs from people she didn't care for?
  [with clause, in imperative] used to urge someone to remember or take care to bring about something
• 小心,当心
 »mind you look after the children.
  [no obj., in imperative] (也作 mind you)used to introduce a qualification to a previous statement
• 不过;尽管如此
 »we've got some decorations up—not a lot, mind you.
  [no obj., in imperative] [informal] used to make a command more insistent or to draw attention to a statement
[非正式] 注意,务必
 »be early to bed tonight, mind.
  [N. Amer. & Irish] be obedient to
[北美, 爱尔兰] 服从;听从
 »you think about how much Cal does for you, and you mind her, you hear?
  [Scottish] remember
[苏格兰] 记得
 »I mind the time when he lost his false teeth.
3. take care of temporarily
• (暂时)照料,照看;看管
 »we left our husbands to mind the children while we went out.
  [in imperative] used to warn someone to avoid injury or damage from a hazard
• 小心,当心
 »mind your head on that cupboard!.
  [no obj., in imperative] [Brit.] take care
[英] 留心,当心
 »mind out—there's a step missing.
  [in imperative] be careful about the quality or nature of
• 注意,小心
 »mind your manners!.
4. [with infinitive] (be minded)(chiefly formal)be inclined or disposed to do a particular thing
[主正式] 倾向,有意
 »he was minded to reject the application.
 »the Board was given leave to object if it was so minded.
be in (或主北美
1. be unable to decide between alternatives
• 三心二意,拿不定主意
be of one (或 a different) mind
1. share the same (or hold a different) opinion
• 意见相同(或不同)
close (或 shut) one's mind to (或 against)
1. refuse to consider or acknowledge
• 对…不予考虑,对…置若罔闻
come (或 spring) to mind
1. (of a thought or idea) occur to someone
• (意见,想法)被想起,被想到
don't mind if I do
1. [informal] used to accept an invitation
[非正式] (用于接受邀请)好的
 »‘Have some breakfast.’ ‘Ta very much—don't mind if I do.’.
give someone a piece of one's mind
1. tell someone what one thinks of them, especially in anger
• 数落
have a (或 a good, half a) mind to do something
1. be very much inclined to do something
• 很想做,意欲
 »I've a good mind to write to the manager to complain.
have someone or something in mind
1. be thinking of
• 想到(某人或某事),考虑到
• 想
 »I had it in mind to ask you to work for me.
have a mind of one's own
1. be capable of independent opinion or action
• 有独立看法;能独立行动
  (of an inanimate object) seem capable of thought and intention, especially by behaving contrary to the will of the person using it
• (无生命物)好像能思维;好像有想法
 »the trolley had a mind of its own.
in one's mind's eye
1. in one's imagination or mental view
• 在想像中,在头脑中
mind over matter
1. the use of will power to overcome physical problems
• 利用精神力量战胜具体问题
mind one's own business
1. refrain from prying or interfering
• 管自己的事;别管闲事
mind one's Ps & Qs
1. be careful to behave well and avoid giving offence
• 注意自己举止,避免冒犯他人
mind the shop
1. [informal] have charge of something temporarily
[非正式] (暂时)看管;负责
never mind
1. used to urge someone not to feel anxiety or distress
• 没关系,不要紧
 »never mind—it's all right now.
  used to suggest that a problem or objection is not important
• 别管,不用在意
 »that's getting off the subject but never mind.
2. (也作 never you mind)used in refusing to answer a question
[用于拒绝回答问题] 不关你的事
 »never mind where I'm going.
3. used to indicate that what has been said of one thing applies even more to another
• 更不用说,更谈不上
 »he was so tired that he found it hard to think, never mind talk.
not pay someone any mind
1. [N. Amer.] not pay someone any attention
[北美] 不注意;不在乎;不理睬
on someone's mind
1. preoccupying someone, especially in a disquieting way
• 压在心头而致牵肠挂肚
 »new parents have many worries on their minds.
an open mind
1. the readiness to consider something without prejudice
• 平等看待;公平对待
open one's mind to
1. be receptive to
• 向…敞开思想,愿意接受
 »he opened his mind to the ways of the rest of the world.
out of one's mind
1. having lost control of one's mental faculties
• 精神错乱
  [informal] suffering from a particular condition to a very high degree
[非正式] 很,极度
 »she was bored out of her mind.
put someone in mind of
1. resemble and so cause someone to think of or remember
• (因相像)使想起
 »he was a small, well-dressed man who put her in mind of a jockey.
put (或 give,set) one's mind to
1. direct all one's attention to (achieving something)
• 专心于
 »she'd have made an excellent dancer, if she'd have put her mind to it.
put someone/thing out of one's mind
1. deliberately forget someone or something
• 把(某人或事)忘掉;把(某人或事)置诸脑后
to my mind
1. in my opinion
• 据我所见,在我看来
 »this story is, to my mind, a masterpiece.
1. Old English gemynd 'memory, thought', of Germanic origin, from an Indo-European root meaning 'revolve in the mind, think', shared by Sanskrit manas and Latin mens 'mind'

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