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mist n.薄雾 vi.下薄雾

/ mist /

1. [mass noun] a cloud of tiny water droplets suspended in the atmosphere at or near the earth's surface limiting visibility (to a lesser extent than fog; strictly, with visibility remaining above 1 km)
• (能见度大于1公里的)薄雾,轻雾,霭
 »the peaks were shrouded in mist.
 »[in sing.] a mist rose out of the river.
  [in sing.] a condensed vapour settling in fine droplets on a surface
• 水汽,水蒸气
 »a breeze cooled the mist of perspiration that had dampened her temples.
  [in sing.] a haze or film over the eyes, especially caused by tears, and resulting in blurred vision
• (尤指眼泪引起的)视线模糊不清;模糊泪眼
 »Ruth saw most of the scene through a mist of tears.
  [count noun] used in reference to something that blurs one's perceptions or memory
• (使人感知或记忆模糊的)迷雾
 »Sardinia's origins are lost in the mists of time.
1. cover or become covered with mist
• (使)蒙上薄雾;(使)蒙上水汽
 »[with obj.] the windows were misted up with condensation.
 »[no obj.] the glass was beginning to mist up.
  [no obj.] (of a person's eyes) become covered with a film of tears causing blurred vision
• (泪眼)视觉变模糊
 »her eyes misted at this heroic image.
  [with obj.] spray (something, especially a plant) with a fine cloud of water droplets
• 给(某物,尤指植物)喷水雾
1. Old English, of Germanic origin; from an Indo-European root shared by Greek omikhlē 'mist, fog'

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