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model n.模型,原型;模特儿;模范;样式 vt.模仿

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1. a three-dimensional representation of a person or thing or of a proposed structure, typically on a smaller scale than the original
• 模型
 »a model of St Paul's Cathedral.
 »[as modifier] a model aeroplane.
  (in sculpture) a figure or object made in clay or wax, to be reproduced in another more durable material
• (雕塑)原型;模型
2. a system or thing used as an example to follow or imitate
• 模式;样式;模范
 »the law became a model for dozens of laws banning nondegradable plastic products.
 »[as modifier] a model farm.
  a simplified description, especially a mathematical one, of a system or process, to assist calculations and predictions
• (数学)模型
 »a statistical model used for predicting the survival rates of endangered species.
  (model of)a person or thing regarded as an excellent example of a specified quality
• 模范,典型,榜样
 »as she grew older, she became a model of self-control.
 »[as modifier] he was a model husband and father.
  (model for)an actual person or place on which a specified fictional character or location is based
• (小说中人物或地点的)原型
 »Preston was the model for Coketown in ‘Hard Times’.
  (the Model)the plan for the reorganization of the Parliamentary army, passed by the House of Commons in 1644–5
• 新模范军法案(英国下院在1644—1645年通过的重组议会军队的计划)。
--› see New Model Army
3. a person, typically a woman, employed to display clothes by wearing them
• (尤指女)时装模特儿
  a person employed to pose for an artist, photographer, or sculptor
• (艺术创作)模特儿
 »an artist's model.
4. a particular design or version of a product
• (产品)设计;型号
 »changing your car for a new model.
  a garment or a copy of a garment by a well-known designer
• (著名设计师设计的)款式
(modelled, modelling; 美 modeled, modeling), [with obj.]
1. fashion or shape (a three-dimensional figure or object) in a malleable material such as clay or wax
• (用可塑材料)制…的模型;塑造
 »use the icing to model a house.
  (in drawing or painting) represent so as to appear three-dimensional
• (素描,油画)使呈立体感
 »the body of the woman to the right is modelled in softer, riper forms.
  (model something on/after)use (especially a system or procedure) as an example to follow or imitate
• 把(某事物,尤指体制或程序)当作模式;把…当作模范
 »the research method will be modelled on previous work.
  (model oneself on)take (someone admired or respected) as an example to copy
• 仿效;以…为榜样
 »he models himself on rock legend Elvis Presley.
  devise a representation, especially a mathematical one, of (a phenomenon or system)
• 把(现象,系统)表达为模型(尤指数学模型)
 »a computer program that can model how smoke behaves.
2. display (clothes) by wearing them
• 当模特儿展示(服装)
  [no obj.] work as a model by displaying clothes or posing for an artist or sculptor
• 当模特儿
modeller noun
1. late 16th cent. (denoting a set of plans of a building): from French modelle, from Italian modello, from an alteration of Latin modulus (see modulus )

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