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most a.最多的;大多数的 ad.最;极其 n.大多数

/ mEust /

determiner & pronoun
1. greatest in amount or degree
• 最大的;最高程度的
 »[as determiner] they've had the most success.
 »[as pronoun] they had the most to lose.
  the majority of; nearly all of
• 大多数的;几乎全部的
 »[as determiner] the two-pin sockets found in most European countries.
 »[as pronoun] I spent most of the winter on the coast.
1. to the greatest extent
• 最
 »the things he most enjoyed.
 »what she wanted most of all.
  forming the superlative of adjectives and adverbs, especially those of more than one syllable
• [构成有一个以上音节的形容词和副词的最高级]最
 »the most important event of my life.
 »sandy plains where fire tends to spread most quickly.
2. extremely ; very
• 很,十分
 »it was most kind of you.
 »that is most probably correct.
3. [N. Amer. informal] almost
[北美,非正式] 几乎
 »most everyone understood.
at (the) most
1. not more than
• 至多
 »the walk took four minutes at the most.
be the most
1. [informal] be the best of all
[非正式] 是最好的
for the most part
1. in most cases; usually
• 通常,多半
 »the older members, for the most part, shun him.
make the most of
1. use to the best advantage
• 充分利用
 »he was eager to make the most of his visit.
  represent at its best
• 从最好方面去展现(或呈现)
 »how to make the most of your features.
1. Old English māst, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch meest and German meist

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