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murder n.谋杀,谋杀罪 vt.谋杀,屠杀;破坏

/ 5mE:dE /

1. the unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another
• 谋杀,凶杀,杀害
 »the brutal murder of a German holidaymaker.
 »[mass noun] he was put on trial for attempted murder.
  [mass noun] [informal] a very difficult or unpleasant task or experience
[非正式] 非常困难(或使人不快)的事(或经历);让人受罪的事(或经历)
 »the 40-mile-per-hour winds here are murder.
  [mass noun] [informal] something causing great discomfort to a part of the body
[非正式] 令身体某一部位极不舒服的事物
 »that exercise is murder on the lumbar regions.
verb, [with obj.]
1. kill (someone) unlawfully and with premeditation
• 谋杀
 »somebody tried to murder Joe.
  [informal] punish severely or be very angry with
[非正式] 严厉地惩罚;对…大发脾气,对…不客气
 »my father will murder me if I'm home late.
  [informal] conclusively defeat (an opponent) in a game or sport
[非正式] (比赛等)彻底击败(对手)
  spoil by lack of skill or knowledge
• (因不熟练或不懂而)把…弄糟;破坏;糟蹋
 »the only thing he had murdered was the English language.
  (informal, chiefly Brit.)consume (food or drink) greedily or with relish
[非正式,主英] 贪婪地吃(或喝);津津有味地吃(或喝)
 » I could murder some chips.
get away with (blue) murder
1. [informal] succeed in doing whatever one chooses without being punished or suffering any disadvantage
[非正式] 逍遥法外;为所欲为
murder one (或 two)
1. [N. Amer. informal] first-degree (or second-degree) murder
[北美,非正式] 一级(或二级)谋杀
murder will out
1. murder cannot remain undetected
• 杀人早晚要败露;天网恢恢,疏而不漏
scream (或 yell) blue (或北美
1. [informal] make an extravagant and noisy protest
[非正式] 大喊大叫地表示不满(或抗议、反对)
 »if it gets into the papers, she'll be down here screaming blue murder.
murderer noun
murderess noun
1. Old English morthor, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch moord and German Mord, from an Indo-European root shared by Sanskrit mará 'death' and Latin mors; reinforced in Middle English by Old French murdre

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