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mute n.弱音器;闭止音

/ mju:t /

1. refraining from speech or temporarily speechless
• 强忍着不说话的;缄默的;一时说不出话的
 »Irene, the talkative one, was now mute.
  not expressed in speech
• 不用语言表达的,无声的
 »she gazed at him in mute appeal.
  characterized by an absence of sound; quiet
• 无声的;宁静的
 »the great church was mute and dark.
  [dated] (of a person) without the power of speech
[旧] (人)哑的
  (of hounds) not giving tongue while hunting
• (猎犬)追猎时不吠叫的
2. (of a letter) not pronounced
• (字母)哑音的,无音的
 »mute e is generally dropped before suffixes beginning with a vowel.
1. [dated] a person without the power of speech
[旧] 哑巴
  (historical)(in some Asian countries) a servant who was deprived of the power of speech
[史] (一些亚洲国家的)哑奴,哑仆
  (historical)an actor in a dumbshow
[史] 哑剧演员
  (historical)a professional attendant or mourner at a funeral
[史] 受雇的送葬人,以送葬为业者
2. a device which softens the sound (and typically alters the tone) of a musical instrument, in particular
• (乐器的)弱音器,尤指
  a clamp placed over the bridge of a stringed instrument to deaden the resonance without affecting the vibration of the strings
• (装在弦乐器琴马上的)夹头式弱音器
  a pad or cone placed in the opening of a brass or other wind instrument
• (装在管乐器管口的垫式或圆锥体)弱音器
1. [with obj.] [常作 be muted] deaden, muffle, or soften the sound of
• 消除…的声音;减轻…的声音
 »her footsteps were muted by the thick carpet.
  muffle the sound of (a musical instrument), especially by the use of a mute
• 用弱音器减弱(乐器)的声音
  (figurative)reduce the strength or intensity of
[喻] 减弱;缓和
 »his professional contentment was muted by personal sadness at the death of his mother.
mutely adverb
muteness noun
1. Middle English: from Old French muet, diminutive of mu, from Latin mutus
1. To describe a person without the power of speech as mute (especially as in deaf mute) is today likely to cause offence Nevertheless, there are no accepted alternative terms in general use

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