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mystery n.神秘小说,侦探小说

/ 5mistEri /

(pl. -ies)
1. something that is difficult or impossible to understand or explain
• 神秘的事物;难以理解的事物;谜
 »the mysteries of outer space.
 »hoping that the inquest would solve the mystery.
  [mass noun] the condition or quality of being secret, strange, or difficult to explain
• 神秘性;神秘;隐秘性;不可思议性
 »much of her past is shrouded in mystery.
  a person or thing whose identity or nature is puzzling or unknown
• 神秘的人(或事物)
 »‘He's a bit of a mystery,’ said Nina.
 »[as modifier] a mystery guest.
2. a novel, play, or film dealing with a puzzling crime, especially a murder
• (尤指涉及谋杀的)疑案作品
3. (mysteries)the secret rites of Greek and Roman pagan religion, or of any ancient or tribal religion, to which only initiates are admitted
• (指古希腊、罗马异教或任何古代或部落宗教只准新入教者参加的)秘密仪式
  the practices, skills, or lore peculiar to a particular trade or activity and regarded as baffling to those without specialized knowledge
• 秘技,神秘性
 »the mysteries of analytical psychology.
  (archaic)the Christian Eucharist
[古] 圣餐礼
4. (chiefly Christian Theology)a religious belief based on divine revelation, especially one regarded as beyond human understanding
[主基督教神学] 基于神的启示的宗教信仰,奥秘
 »the mystery of Christ.
  an incident in the life of Jesus or of a saint as a focus of devotion in the Roman Catholic Church, especially each of those commemorated during recitation of successive decades of the rosary
• 神迹(罗马天主教教徒虔修的主要内容,尤指数算念珠祈祷时所缅怀的耶稣或圣人事迹),圣迹
1. Middle English (in the sense 'mystic presence, hidden religious symbolism'): from Old French mistere or Latin mysterium, from Greek mustērion; related to mystic
(pl. -ies)
1. (archaic)a handicraft or trade, especially when referred to in indentures
[古] (尤用于师徒契约中)技术,手艺
1. late Middle English: from medieval Latin misterium, contraction of ministerium 'ministry', by association with mysterium (see mystery )

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