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nail n.钉子,钉状物;指甲,爪 v.钉,钉牢

/ neil /

1. a small metal spike with a broadened flat head, driven typically into wood with a hammer to join things together or to serve as a peg or hook
• 钉子
2. a horny covering on the upper surface of the tip of the finger and toe in humans and other primates
• (人类或其他灵长类的)指甲
  an animal's claw
• (动物的)趾甲;爪
  a hard growth on the upper mandible of some soft-billed birds
• (一些软喙鸟类)上喙的硬甲壳
3. (historical)a medieval unit of measurement
[史] 纳尔
  a measure of length for cloth, equal to 21/4 inches
• 纳尔(布匹长度单位,相当于21/4英寸)
  a measure of wool, beef, or other commodity, roughly equal to 7 or 8 pounds
• 纳尔(羊毛、牛肉或其他商品的计量单位,约等于7或8磅)
verb, [with obj.]
1. [with obj. and adverbial of place] fasten to a surface or to something else with a nail or nails
• 把…钉牢,钉住
 »the strips are simply nailed to the roof.
2. [informal] expose (someone) as deceitful or criminal; catch or arrest
[非正式] 揭穿(某人);抓住,逮住
 »have you nailed the killer?
  expose (a lie or other instance of deception)
• 揭穿(谎言,欺骗)
3. [informal] (of a player in a game) strike (a ball) forcefully and successfully
[非正式] (比赛选手)大力扣杀(球)
 »she was stretched to the limit and failed to nail the smash.
  [Baseball] (of a fielder) put (a runner) out by throwing to a base
[棒球] (外场手)把(跑垒者)杀出局
  (chiefly N. Amer.)(of a player) defeat or outwit (an opponent)
[主北美] (选手)击败(或智胜)(对方)
 »Navratilova tried to nail her on the backhand side.
  (of a player) secure (especially a victory) conclusively
• (选手)锁定(胜局)
4. (vulgar slang, chiefly US)(of a man) have sexual intercourse with
[粗俚,主美] (男性)与…性交
fight tooth and nail
--› see tooth
hard as nails
1. (of a person) very tough; completely callous or unfeeling
• (人)强硬的;铁石心肠的,冷酷无情的
nail one's colours to the mast --› see mast
a nail in the coffin
1. an action or event regarded as likely to have a detrimental or destructive effect on a situation, enterprise, or person
• 催命符,致命一击
 »this was going to put the final nail in the coffin of his career.
on the nail (北美亦作
1. (of payment) without delay
• (付款)当场的,立即的
nailed adjective
 »[in combination] dirty-nailed fingers.
nailless adjective
1. Old English nægel (noun), næglan (verb), of Germanic origin; related to Dutch nagel and German Nagel, from an Indo-European root shared by Latin unguis and Greek onux
nail someone down
1. elicit a firm promise or commitment from someone
• 使承诺
 »I can't nail her down to a specific date.
nail something down
1. fasten something securely with nails
• 钉牢,钉住
2. identify something precisely
• 弄清,确定
 »something seems unexpected—I can't nail it down, but it makes me uneasy.
3. secure something, especially an agreement
• 敲定;确保(某事物,尤指协议)
nail something up
1. fasten a door or window with nails so that it cannot be opened
• 把(门、窗等)钉死

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