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navigate v 驾驶;航海(nav+ig走+ate→船走→航海)

/ 5nAvI7geIt /

1. [no obj.] plan and direct the route or course of a ship, aircraft, or other form of transport, especially by using instruments or maps
• (尤指利用工具或地图)导航,领航
 »they navigated by the stars.
  [no obj., with adverbial of direction] travel on a desired course after planning a route
• 沿所需航线航行
 »he taught them how to navigate across the oceans.
  (of an animal or bird) find its way, especially over a long distance
• (尤指动物、鸟类在远距离迁移、飞行中)确定方向
 »whales use their own inbuilt sonar system to navigate.
  (of a passenger in a vehicle) assist the driver by map-reading and planning a route
• (乘客)给驾驶员指引路线
  [Computing] move around a website, file, the Internet, etc
[计算机] 浏览(网站、文件、因特网等),导航
2. [with obj.] sail or travel over (a stretch of water or terrain), especially carefully or with difficulty
• (尤指小心、艰难地) 在…上航行(或行驶)
 »ships had been lost while navigating the narrows.
  [no obj.] (of a ship or boat) sail; proceed
• (船只)航行
 »[with adverbial of direction] we sailed out surrounded by loose ice while navigating around larger grounded icebergs.
  guide (a vessel or vehicle) over a specified route or terrain
• 为(船只,车辆)领航,导航
 »she navigated the car safely through the traffic.
  make one's way with difficulty over (a route or terrain)
• (艰难地)走过,经过
 »the drivers skilfully navigated a twisting and muddy course.
  [informal] guide or steer (someone), especially through a crowd
[非正式] (尤指穿过人群)带人找路
1. late 16th cent. (in the sense 'travel in a ship'): from Latin navigat- 'sailed', from the verb navigare, from navis 'ship' + agere 'drive'

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