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nerve 神经

/ nE:v /

1. (in the body) a whitish fibre or bundle of fibres that transmits impulses of sensation to the brain or spinal cord, and impulses from these to the muscles and organs
• 神经
 »the optic nerve.
2. (nerves)a person's mental state, in particular the extent to which they are agitated or worried
• 神经质,神经紧张;情绪不安,提心吊胆
 »an amazing journey which tested her nerves to the full.
  nervousness or anxiety
• 紧张;焦虑
 »his first-night nerves soon disappeared.
3. [mass noun] [一般作 one's nerve] a person's steadiness, courage, and sense of purpose when facing a demanding situation
• 精神力量,勇气,魄力;胆量;胆力
 »she kept her nerve and won five games in a row.
 »the army's commanders were beginning to lose their nerve.
  [informal] impudence or audacity
[非正式] 厚脸皮;大胆
 »he had the nerve to insult my cooking.
 » she's got a nerve wearing that short skirt with those legs.
4. [Botany] a prominent unbranched rib in a leaf, especially in the midrib of the leaf of a moss
[植] (叶)脉
1. (nerve oneself)brace oneself mentally to face a demanding situation
• 使有劲,使振作,使奋进
 »she nerved herself to enter the room.
 »he nerved himself for a final effort.
a bag (或 bundle) of nerves
1. [informal] someone who is extremely timid or tense
[非正式] 极端胆小的人;神经极度紧张的人
get on someone's nerves
1. [informal] irritate or annoy someone
[非正式] 使某人紧张不安;让某人心烦
have nerves of steel
1. not be easily upset or frightened
• 沉着;有胆量
live on one's nerves (或 one's nerve ends)
1. be extremely anxious or tense
• 过紧张不安的日子
strain every nerve
1. make every possible effort
• 竭尽全力,拼命
touch (或 hit) a nerve (或 a raw nerve)
1. provoke a reaction by referring to a sensitive topic
• 触及要害;触到痛处
war of nerves
1. a struggle in which opponents try to wear each other down by psychological means
• 神经战
nerved adjective
 »[usu. in combination] she was still raw-nerved from reliving the past.
1. late Middle English (also in the sense 'tendon, sinew'): from Latin nervus: related to Greek neuron 'nerve' (see neuron )

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