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operate v.作业,工作;操作;经营;(对...)动手术

/ 5CpEreit /

1. [with obj.] (of a person) control the functioning of (a machine, process, or system)
• (人)操作(机器、过程或系统)
 »a shortage of workers to operate new machines.
 »the Prime Minister operates a system of divide and rule.
  [no obj., with adverbial] (of a machine, process, or system) function in a specified manner
• (机器、过程或系统)运作
 »market forces were allowed to operate freely.
  [no obj.] be in effect
• 实施;生效
 »there is a powerful law which operates in politics.
  (of a person or organization) manage and run (a business)
• (人,机构)经营
 »many foreign companies operate factories in the United States.
  [no obj., with adverbial] (of an organization) be managed and run in a specified way
• (机构)被经营
 »neither company had operated within the terms of its constitution.
  [no obj., with adverbial] (of an armed force) conduct military activities in a specified area or from a specified base
• (军事力量)在特定地区(或由特定基地)展开军事活动
2. [no obj.] perform a surgical operation
• 动手术
 »my brother had to be operated on last week.
 »the surgeons refused to operate.
1. early 17th cent.: from Latin operat- 'done by labour', from the verb operari, from opus, oper- 'work'

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