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outside prep.在…外,向…外

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1. the external side or surface of something
• 外面;表面
 »record the date on the outside of the file.
  the part of a path nearer to a road or further from a wall
• (人行道的)外侧
  the side of a bend or curve where the edge or surface is longer in extent
• (弯道、曲径的)外侧
  the side of a racetrack further from the centre, where the lanes are longer
• 外跑道
  (outsides)the outer sheets of a ream of paper
• 一令纸的上下两张
  the external appearance of someone or something
• 外表,外观
 »was he as straight as he appeared on the outside?
adjective, [attrib.]
1. situated on or near the exterior or external surface of something
• 外面的,外部的
 »the outside rim.
  (in hockey, soccer, and other sports) denoting positions nearer to the sides of the field
• (曲棍球、足球等)边锋的
2. not belonging to or coming from within a particular group
• 外界的;外来的
 »the use of outside contractors will speed up the process.
  beyond one's own immediate personal concerns
• 并非切身的,外面的
 »I was able to face the outside world again.
preposition & adverb
1. situated or moving beyond the boundaries of (a room, building, or other enclosed space)
• 在(房间、建筑等)的外面(地);向…外面(地)
 »[as prep.] there was a boy outside the door.
 »[as adv.] the dog was still barking outside.
 »outside, the wind was as wild as ever.
  situated beyond the boundaries of (a particular location)[as prep.]
• 在(某一地点)的范围之外
 »major conurbations outside London.
 »[as adv.] those in the occupied territories and those outside.
  not being a member of (a particular group)
• (某一群体)之外的
 »[as prep.] critics outside the government.
  (in soccer, rugby, and other sports) closer to the side of the field than (another player)
• (在足球、橄榄球等运动中)比(另一球员)更靠近球场外侧的
 »[as prep.] Swift appeared outside him with the powerful Fallon overlapping on his left.
2. [prep.] beyond the limits or scope of
• 超出…范围
 »the high cost of shipping has put it outside their price range.
at the outside
1. (of an estimate) at the most
• (估计值)最多,充其量
 »every minute, or at the outside, every ninety seconds.
get outside of
1. [informal] eat or drink (something)
[非正式] 吃,喝
 »we'll get outside of a feed of bacon and egg.
on the outside
1. away from or not belonging to a particular circle or institution
• 外界的,局外的
on the outside looking in
1. (of a person) excluded from a group or activity
• (人)被排除在外的
an outside chance
1. a remote possibility
• 极其微小的可能性
outside of
1. (informal, chiefly N. Amer.)beyond the boundaries of
[非正式,主北美] 在…的外面
 »a village 20 miles outside of New York.
  apart from
• 除了
 »outside of an unfortunate sermon, he never put a foot wrong.
1. Outside and outside of: is there any difference between the books have been distributed outside Europe and the books have been distributed outside of EuropeBroadly speaking, both have the same meaning and either is acceptable in standard English. However, the use ofoutside of is much commoner and better established in North American than in British English

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