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owe vt.欠…的钱;把…归功于;应感谢 vi.欠钱

/ Eu /

1. [with obj.] have an obligation to pay or repay (something, especially money) in return for something received
• 欠(某物,尤指钱)
 »they have denied they owe money to the company.
 »[with two objs] you owe me £19.50 for the electricity bill.
  owe something, especially money, to (someone)
• 欠…东西(尤指钱)
 »I owe you for the taxi.
  be under a moral obligation to give someone (gratitude, respect, etc.)
• 应该给予(感激、尊敬等)
 »I owe it to him to explain what's happened.
  我应该向他解释所发生的事 。
 »[with two objs] I owe you an apology.
  (owe something to)have something because of (someone or something)
• 应把…归功于
 »champagne houses owe their success to brand image.
  be indebted to someone or something for (something)
• 因…而感激
 »I owe my life to you.
owe someone a grudge
--› see grudge
owe it to oneself (to do something)
1. need to do something to protect one's own interests
• 为了自己有必要做某事
 »you owe it to yourself to take care of your body.
owe someone one
1. [informal] feel indebted to someone
[非正式] 觉得应感激某人
 »thanks, I owe you one for this.
someone/thing owes one a living
1. used to express disapproval of someone who expects to receive financial support or other benefits without doing any work
[用于对指望不劳而获的人表示不满] …应该白白养活某人
 »they think the world owes them a living.
1. Old English āgan 'own, have it as an obligation', of Germanic origin; from an Indo-European root shared by Sanskrit īs 'possess, own'.
--› compare ought

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