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paddle n.(短)桨;涉水v.荡桨;涉水;用木板打

/ 5pAdl /

1. a short pole with a broad blade at one or both ends, used without a rowlock to move a small boat or canoe through the water
• 短桨;桨
  an act of using a paddle in a boat
• 划桨
 »a gentle paddle on sluggish water.
  a short-handled bat used in various ball games, especially table tennis
• (尤指乒乓球的)球拍
  a paddle-shaped instrument used for mixing food, or stirring or mixing in industrial processes
• 扁平搅拌棒;搅拌桨,叶片
  [N. Amer. informal] a paddle-shaped instrument used for administering corporal punishment
[北美,非正式] 扁条刑杖
  each of the boards fitted round the circumference of a paddle wheel or mill wheel
• 轮叶
  a flat array of solar cells projecting from a spacecraft
• (飞船上伸出的)太阳能电池板
  the fin or flipper of an aquatic mammal or bird
• 鳍状前肢
  [Medicine] a plastic-covered electrode used in cardiac stimulation
[医] (心脏起搏用的)电极棒
  short for bidding paddle
• bidding paddle的简称
1. [no obj., with adverbial of direction] move through the water in a boat using a paddle or paddles
• 划桨行进
 »he paddled along the coast.
  [with obj.] propel (a small boat or canoe) with a paddle or paddles
• 用桨划(小船,独木舟)
 »he was teaching trainees to paddle canoes.
  [with obj.] travel along (a stretch of water) using such a method
• 在…上划船
 »a legal right to paddle Scottish rivers.
  (of bird or other animal) swim with short fast strokes
• (鸟类或其他动物)游水
 »the swan paddled away.
2. [with obj.] (informal, chiefly N. Amer.)beat (someone) with a paddle as a punishment
[非正式,主北美] (用刑杖)鞭打
 »ask the mother if she minds the offspring getting paddled from time to time.
paddle one's own canoe
1. [informal] be independent and self-sufficient
[非正式] 靠自己的力量,自力更生
paddler noun
1. late Middle English (denoting a small spade-like implement): of unknown origin. Current senses date from the 17th cent
1. [no obj.] walk with bare feet in shallow water
• 在浅水中赤脚行走
 »the children paddled at the water's edge.
  dabble the feet or hands in water
• (用脚或手)玩水
 »Peter paddled idly in the water with his fingers.
1. [in sing.] an act of walking with bare feet in shallow water
• 在浅水中赤脚行走
paddler noun
1. mid 16th cent.: of obscure origin; compare with Low German paddeln 'tramp about'; the association with water remains unexplained

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