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panel n.工作或科研小组,专家组;仪表盘,控制板= research team

/ 5pAnEl /

1. a thin, typically rectangular piece of wood or glass forming or set into the surface of a door, wall, or ceiling
• 镶板;嵌板;玻璃片
  a thin piece of metal forming part of the outer shell of a vehicle
• 车辆外壳部分的金属板
 »body panels for the car trade.
  a flat board on which instruments or controls are fixed
• 仪表板;控制板;面板
 »a control panel.
  a decorated area within a larger design containing a separate subject
• 装饰板
 »the central panel depicts the Crucifixion.
  one of several drawings making up a cartoon strip
• 连环画中的一幅
  a piece of material forming part of a garment
• (衣服上的)镶片;嵌条
2. a small group of people brought together to discuss, investigate, or decide upon a particular matter, especially in the context of business or government
• (尤用于商业或行政管理的)小组;专题讨论小组;委员会
 »an interview panel.
  [Brit.] a list of medical practitioners registered in a district as accepting patients under the National Health Service or, formerly, the National Insurance Act
[英] 国民保健制度(原国民健康保险)医师名单
  (chiefly N. Amer.)a list of available jurors or a jury
[主北美] 陪审员名单;陪审团
  [Scots Law] a person or people charged with a crime or offence
[苏格兰律] 被告
(panelled, panelling; 美 paneled, paneling)
1. [with obj.] [usu. as adj. paneled] cover (a wall or other surface) with panels
• (用镶板等)镶嵌(墙或其他表面)
 »his panelled rooms at All Souls.
1. Middle English: from Old French, literally piece of cloth', based on Latin pannus ('piece of) cloth'. The early sense 'piece of parchment' was extended to mean 'list', whence the notion 'advisory group'. Sense 1 derives from the late Middle English sense 'distinct (usually framed) section of a surface'

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