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parallel n. 类似事物或做法a.平行的unparalleled adj.无以伦比的= unmatched

/ 5pArElel /

1. (of lines, planes, surfaces, or objects) side by side and having the same distance continuously between them
• (线,平面,物体)平行的
 »parallel lines never meet.
 »the road runs parallel to the Ottawa River.
  occurring or existing at the same time or in a similar way; corresponding
• 并存的;类似的;相对应的
 »a parallel universe.
 »they shared a flat in London while establishing parallel careers.
  [Computing] involving the simultaneous performance of operations
[计算机] 并行的
  of or denoting electrical components or circuits connected to common points at each end, rather than one to another in sequence
• 并联的。
【OPP】 series
  [S. African] of or relating to schools in which two languages are used in separate classes
[南非] (与)按两种语言分班教学的学校(有关)的
1. a person or thing that is similar or analogous to another
• 可相比拟的人(或事物)
 »a challenge which has no parallel in peacetime this century.
  a similarity
• 相似之处
 »he points to a parallel between biological evolution and cognitive development.
  a comparison
• 比拟;比较
 »he draws a parallel between personal destiny and social forces.
2. (也作 parallel of latitude)each of the imaginary parallel circles of constant latitude on the earth's surface
• 纬线;纬圈,平行圈
  a corresponding line on a map
• (地图上的)对应线
  [Printing] two parallel lines (∥) as a reference mark
[印] 平行符号
(paralleled, paralleling)
1. [with obj.] (of something extending in a line) be side by side with (something extending in a line), always keeping the same distance
• (成直线的事物)与(成直线的事物)平行
 »a big concrete gutter that paralleled the road.
  be similar or corresponding to (something)
• 与…相似;与…相当
 »US naval and air superiority was paralleled by Soviet superiority in land-based missile systems.
in parallel
1. occurring at the same time and having some connection
• 并列的;相关的且同时发生的
  (of electrical components or circuits) connected to common points at each end; not in series
• (电器元件,线路)并联的
1. mid 16th cent.: from French parallèle, via Latin from Greek parallēlos, from para- 'alongside' + allēlos 'one another'

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