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patriarch [patri 父,祖arch 首脑,长]家长;族长

/ 5peItri:7B:k /

1. the male head of a family or tribe
• 男性家长;男性族长
  a man who is the oldest or most venerable of a group
• (一群人中)最年长者;最受尊敬者
 »Hollywood's reigning patriarch rose to speak.
  a man who behaves in a commanding manner
• 管理者,掌权者;统帅;司令
 »Cunningham's authoritative energy marks him out as patriarch within his own company.
  a person or thing that is regarded as the founder of something
• 创始者,鼻祖;创始物
 »the patriarch of all spin doctors.
2. any of those biblical figures regarded as fathers of the human race, especially Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and their forefathers, or the sons of Jacob
• (《圣经》中人类的)祖先(尤指亚伯拉罕、以撒和雅各以及他们的祖先,或尤指雅各的子孙们)
3. the title of a most senior Orthodox or Catholic bishop, in particular
• (东正教或天主教的)大主教,尤指
  a bishop of one of the most ancient Christian sees [Alexandria, Antioch, Constantinople, Jerusalem, and formerly Rome]
• (亚历山大、安提俄克、君士坦丁堡、耶路撒冷和前罗马古代教区的)主教
  the head of an autocephalous or independent Orthodox Church
• (东正教独立教会或东正教独立教堂的)教长
  a Roman Catholic bishop ranking above primates and metropolitans and immediately below the Pope, often the head of a Uniate community
• (罗马天主教中职位高于首主教和都主教但仅低于教皇的、通常担任东仪天主教教长的)主教
1. Middle English: from Old French patriarche, via ecclesiastical Latin from Greek patriarkhēs, from patria 'family' + arkhēs 'ruling'

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