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perch n.(禽鸟的)栖木

/ pE:tF /

1. a thing on which a bird alights or roosts, typically a branch or a horizontal rod or bar in a birdcage
• (鸟的)栖息处,栖木,栖枝
  a place where someone or something rests or sits, especially one that is high or precarious.
• (尤指高处或不稳的)歇脚处,小憩处
 »Marian looked down from her perch in a beech tree above the road.
1. [no obj., with adverbial of place] (of a bird) alight or rest on something
• (鸟)飞落,栖息
 »a herring gull perched on the rails for most of the crossing.
  (of a person) sit somewhere, especially on something high or narrow.
• (尤指人在高处或很窄的地方)稍坐,暂歇
 »Eve perched on the side of the armchair.
  (be perched)(of a building) be situated above or on the edge of something.
• (建筑物)坐落于…的上方(或边缘)
 »the fortress is perched on a crag in the mountains.
  [with obj.] (perch someone/thing on)set or balance someone or something on (something).
• 把…平稳置于;使坐落于
 »Peter perched a pair of gold-rimmed spectacles on his nose.
knock someone off their perch
1. [informal] cause someone to lose a position of superiority or pre-eminence
[非正式] 使(某人)失去优势地位;杀(某人)的威风
 »will this knock London off its perch as Europe's leading financial centre?
percher noun
1. late Middle English: the noun from perch; the verb from Old French percher.
noun [复同单,或 perches]
1. an edible freshwater fish with a high spiny dorsal fin, dark vertical bars on the body, and orange lower fins. (also called bass)
2. 独行菜属,十字花科
• Genus Perca, family Percidae (the perch family): three species, in particular P. fluviatilis of Europe (also called bass), and the almost identical yellow perch [P. flavescens] of North America. The perch family also includes the pikeperches, ruffe, and darters.
• 河鲈,金鲈。(鱼师) (亦称 bass)
  used in names of other freshwater and marine fishes resembling or related to this, e.g. climbing perch, pikeperch, sea perch, surfperch.
• [用于其他相似或相关的淡水或海水鱼的名称中,如climbing perch, pikeperch, sea perch, surfperch]
1. late Middle English: from Old French perche, via Latin from Greek perkē.
noun , (historical, chiefly Brit.)[史,主英]
1. a measure of length, especially for land, equal to a quarter of a chain or 512 yards (approximately 5.029 m)
• 杆(尤指用来测量土地长度的单位,等于1/4测链或512码,约5.029米)。(亦称 pole, rod.)
2. (也作 square perch)a measure of area, especially for land, equal to 160th of an acre or 3014 square yards (approximately 25.29 sq. metres)
• 平方杆(尤指用来测量土地面积的单位,等于1/160英亩或3014平方码,约25.29平方米)。(亦称 pole, rod, square pole, square rod)
1. Middle English (in the general sense 'pole, stick'): from Old French perche, from Latin pertica 'measuring rod, pole'.

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