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perspective 态度

/ pE5spektiv /

1. [mass noun] the art of drawing solid objects on a two-dimensional surface so as to give the right impression of their height, width, depth, and position in relation to each other when viewed from the time that person answers the phone
• 透视画法。
--› see linear perspective 和 aerial perspective
 »[as modifier] a perspective drawing.
  [count noun] a picture drawn in such a way, especially one appearing to enlarge or extend the actual space, or to give the effect of distance
• 透视图
  the appearance of viewed objects with regard to their relative position, distance from the viewer, etc
• (被观察物的相对位置及与观察者之间的距离等因素造成的)视觉外观
 »a trick of perspective.
  [count noun] a view or prospect
• 景观;远景
  [Geometry] the relation of two figures in the same plane, such that pairs of corresponding points lie on concurrent lines, and corresponding lines meet in collinear points
[几何] 透视关系,投影比例,立体关系
2. a particular attitude towards or way of regarding something; a point of view
• (观察问题的)视角;观点,看法
 »most guidebook history is written from the editor's perspective.
  [mass noun] true understanding of the relative importance of things; a sense of proportion
• 区别轻重缓急的能力;分寸感
 »we must keep a sense of perspective about what he's done.
3. an apparent spatial distribution in perceived sound
• (声音)立体效果
in (或 out of) perspective
1. showing the right (or wrong) relationship between visible objects
• 关系(不)恰当的(地)
  correctly (or incorrectly) regarded in terms of relative importance
• (从相对重要性方面来)正确(或错误)地观察
 »though these figures shock, they need to be put into perspective.
perspectival adjective
1. late Middle English (in the sense 'optics'): from medieval Latin perspectiva (ars) 'science of optics', from perspect- 'looked at closely', from the verb perspicere, from per- 'thorough' + specere 'to look'

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