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play v.玩,做游戏;参加比赛n.游戏;玩耍;剧本

/ plei /

1. [no obj.] engage in activity for enjoyment and recreation rather than a serious or practical purpose
• 玩,玩耍
 »the children were playing by a pool.
 »her friends were playing with their dolls.
  [with obj.] engage in (a game or activity) for enjoyment
• 玩(游戏);搞(活动)
 »I want to play Snakes and Ladders.
  amuse oneself by engaging in imaginative pretence
• 假扮…玩
 »the boys were playing at soldiers.
  (play at)engage in without proper seriousness or understanding
• 儿戏似的做,不认真地干
 »you cannot play at being a Christian.
  (play with)treat inconsiderately for one's own amusement
• 玩弄
 »she likes to play with people's emotions.
  (play with)handle without skill so as to damage or prevent from working
• 摆弄
 »has somebody been playing with these taps?
  [with negative or in questions] (be playing at)used to convey one's irritation at someone's actions or one's failure to understand their motives
• [用以表示对某人行为的恼怒或表示未能理解其动机]干,闹
 »what on earth do you think you're playing at?
2. [with obj.] take part in (a sport) on a regular basis
• (定期)参加(体育活动)
 »I play squash and badminton.
  participate in (a sporting match or contest)
• 参加(体育比赛或竞赛)
  compete against (another player or team) in a sporting match
• (在体育比赛中)同…比赛
 »the team will play France on Wednesday.
  [no obj.] [usu. with negative] (figurative)be cooperative
[喻] 合作,买某人的账
 »he needs financial backing, but the building societies won't play.
  [no obj.] be part of a team, especially in a specified position, in a sporting contest
• (尤指在体育竞赛中某个具体位置上)司职
 »he played in goal.
  strike (a ball) or execute (a stroke) in a game
• (在游戏中)击(球);击打
  [no obj., with adverbial] (of a cricket ground) be in such condition as to have a specified effect on play
• (板球场状况对比赛)产生影响
  assign to take part in a match, especially in a specified position
• (尤指比赛中在特定位置上)安排,任用,确定(运动员)
 »the manager played his strongest side of the season.
  move (a piece) or display (a playing card) in one's turn in a game
• 打,出(牌);走(棋子)
 »he played his queen.
  bet or gamble at or on
• 打赌,赌博
 »he didn't gamble or play the ponies.
3. [with obj.] represent (a character) in a theatrical performance or a film
• (在戏剧或电影中)扮演(角色)
 »early in her career she played Ophelia.
  [no obj.] perform in a film or theatrical production
• (在电影或戏剧中)表演
 »he was proud to be playing opposite a famous actor.
  put on or take part in (a theatrical performance, film, or concert)
• 演出;参加(戏剧,电影,音乐会)
 »the show was one of the best we ever played.
  give a dramatic performance at (a particular theatre or place)
• (在特定戏院或地点)演戏
  behave as though one were (a specified type of person)
• 假扮
 »the skipper played the innocent, but smuggled goods were found on his vessel.
  (play someone for)treat someone as being of (a specified type)
• 将某人看作(某种类型的人)
 »don't imagine you can play me for a fool.
  (play a trick/joke on)behave in a deceptive or teasing way towards
• 欺骗,逗弄
4. [with obj.] perform on (a musical instrument)
• 演奏(乐器)
  possess the skill of performing upon (a musical instrument)
• 具有演奏(乐器)的技能
 »he taught himself to play the violin.
  produce (notes) from a musical instrument; perform (a piece of music)
• 拉(或弹、吹)出(音符);演奏(音乐)
 »they played a violin sonata.
  make (a record, record player, radio, etc.) produce sounds
• 播放(唱片),开(录音机、收音机等)
  [no obj.] (of a musical instrument, record, record player, etc.) produce sounds
• (乐器、录音、录音机等)发出声音
 »somewhere within, a harp was playing.
  [with obj. and adverbial of direction] accompany (someone) with music as they are moving in a specified direction
• (在某人朝特定方向移动时,用音乐)伴随,陪伴
 »the bagpipes played them out of the dining room.
5. [no obj.] move lightly and quickly, so as to appear and disappear; flicker
• (轻快地)移动;显现;消逝;晃动,摇曳,变幻
 »a smile played about her lips.
  (of a fountain or similar source of water) emit a stream of gently moving water
• (喷泉或类似水源)涌出,溢出(轻柔流淌的水)
6. [with obj.] allow (a fish) to exhaust itself pulling against a line before reeling it in
• 让(上钩的鱼)挣扎得筋疲力尽
noun, [mass noun]
1. activity engaged in for enjoyment and recreation, especially by children
• 玩,玩耍,玩乐
 »a child at play may use a stick as an aeroplane.
  behaviour or speech that is not intended seriously
• 玩笑
 »I flinched, but only in play.
  [as modifier] designed to be used in games of pretence; not real
• 游戏的;假装的;假的
 »play families are arranged in play houses.
2. the conducting of a sporting match
• 比赛
 »rain wrecked the second day's play.
  the action or manner of engaging in a sport or game
• (运动,游戏)动作;方式
 »he maintained the same rhythm of play throughout the game.
  the status of the ball in a game as being available to be played according to the rules
• 球处于可按规则进行比赛的状态
 »the ball was put in play.
  (figurative)the state of being active, operative, or effective
[喻] 起作用状态,实施状态,有效状态
 »luck comes into play.
  [count noun] a move or manoeuvre in a sport or game
• (运动或游戏中的)(一)步;打法,走法,做法
 »the best play is to lead the 3 of Clubs.
[古] 赌博
3. [count noun] a dramatic work for the stage or to be broadcast
• 剧本,戏剧
 »the actors put on a new play.
4. the space in or through which a mechanism can or does move
• 活动空间,间隙
 »the steering rack was loose, and there was a little play.
  (figurative)scope or freedom to act or operate
[喻] 自由度;运作范围;回旋余地
 »our policy allows the market to have freer play.
  light and constantly changing movement
• 轻快的活动,摇曳,变幻
 »the artist exploits the play of light across the surface.
make a play for
1. [informal] attempt to attract or attain
[非正式] (试图)吸引,勾引;(试图)达到,得到
make (great) play of (或 with)
1. draw attention to in an ostentatious manner, typically to gain prestige or advantage
• (尤指为取得声望或优势)故意卖弄,大肆炒作
 »the company made great play of their recent growth in profits.
make play with
1. treat frivolously
• 轻浮对待,戏弄
not playing with a full deck --› see deck
play ball --› see ball
play both ends against the middle
1. keep one's options open by supporting or favouring opposing sides
• 为获利而脚踏两只船,使鹬蚌相争而渔翁得利
play something by ear
1. perform music without having to read from a score
• 不看乐谱弹奏
play it by ear
1. [informal] proceed instinctively according to results and circumstances rather than according to rules or a plan
[非正式] 见机行事,走一步看一步
play by the rules
1. follow what is generally held to be the correct line of behaviour
• 按部就班,按规矩办事
play one's cards close to one's chest --› see chest
play one's cards right (或 well) --› see card
play ducks and drakes with --› see ducks and drakes
play fair
1. observe principles of justice; avoid cheating
• 正大光明;不徇私舞弊
play someone false
1. prove treacherous or deceitful towards someone
• 背叛;欺骗,蒙骗
play fast and loose
1. behave irresponsibly or immorally
• 处事轻率;行为反复无常
play favourites
1. (chiefly N. Amer.)show favouritism towards someone or something
[主北美] 偏袒,偏爱
play the field --› see field
play for time
1. use specious excuses or unnecessary manoeuvres to gain time
• (以似是而非的理由或不必要的手法)争取时间
play the game --› see game
play God --› see God
play havoc with --› see havoc
play hell --› see hell
play hookey --› see hookey
play a (或 one's) hunch
1. make an instinctive choice
• 凭直觉办事
play oneself in
1. [Brit.] become accustomed to the circumstances and conditions of a game or activity
[英] 适应比赛(或活动)环境
play into someone's hands
1. act in such a way as unintentionally to give someone an advantage
• (在行事时无意中)让别人占了便宜
play it cool
1. [informal] make an effort to be or appear to be calm and unemotional
[非正式] 努力显得冷静;不露声色
play the market
1. speculate in stocks
• 股票投机
a play on words
1. a pun
• 双关语
play (或 play it) safe (或 for safety)
1. take precautions; avoid risks
• 谨慎行事;不冒险
play to the gallery --› see gallery
play truant --› see truant
play with oneself
1. [informal] masturbate
[非正式] 手淫
play with fire
1. take foolish risks
• 玩火,愚蠢冒险
playability noun
playable adjective
1. Old English pleg(i)an 'to exercise', plega 'brisk movement', related to Middle Dutch pleien 'leap for joy, dance'
play about (或 around)
1. behave in a casual, foolish, or irresponsible way
• 玩弄,闹着玩,胡闹
 »you shouldn't play around with a child's future.
  [informal] (of a married person) have a love affair
[非正式] (已婚者)拈花惹草
play along
1. perform a piece of music at the same time as it is playing on a tape or record
• 合着磁带或唱片演奏
  pretend to cooperate
• 假装合作
 »she had to play along and be polite.
play someone along
1. [informal] deceive or mislead someone over a period of time
[非正式] (长期)蒙骗某人,误导某人
play away
1. [Brit.] play a sports fixture on an opponent's ground
[英] 打客场,客场比赛
  [informal] (of a married person) have a love affair
[非正式] (已婚者)拈花惹草
play something back
1. play sounds that one has recently recorded, especially to monitor recording quality
• (尤指为了监控录音质量)重放,播放
play something down
1. represent something as being less important than it in fact is
• 淡化,降低(重要性)
 »he tried to play down the seriousness of his illness.
play someone off
1. bring people into conflict or competition for one's own advantage
• 使竞争,使相斗(以获利)
 »top footballers were able to play clubs off against each other to gain higher pay.
play off
1. (of two teams or competitors) play an extra match to decide a draw or tie
• (两支运动队或两个竞赛者打成平局后)打加赛
play on
1. exploit (a weak or vulnerable point in someone)
• 利用(某人的弱点)
 »he played on his opponent's nerves.
play someone out
1. [一般作 be played out] drain someone of strength or life
• 使筋疲力尽,耗尽
play something out
1. act the whole of a drama; enact a scene or role
• 演完(一出戏);演出(一场戏或角色)
play up
1. [Brit. informal] fail to function properly
[英,非正式] 出故障
2. [Brit.] put all one's energy into a game
[英] 拼命投入(比赛)
play someone up
1. (of a part of the body or an illness) cause pain or discomfort to someone
• (身体器官,疾病)给某人造成痛苦(或不适)
play something up
1. emphasize the extent or importance of something
• 强调;炒作
 »the mystery surrounding his death was played up by the media.
play up to
1. humour or flatter, especially to win favour
• (尤指为了邀宠)讨好,奉承

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