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pocket n.口袋 a.袖珍的,小型的 vt.把…装入口袋

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1. a small bag sewn into or on clothing so as to form part of it, used for carrying small articles
• 衣袋
  a pouch-like compartment providing separate storage space, for example in a suitcase or car door
• 袋子,(箱或车门上的)兜
  [S. African] a narrow sack in which agricultural produce is sold, used as a measure for trading
[南非] (用作贸易计量的)(农产品)袋
  an opening at the corner or on the side of a billiard table into which balls are struck
• 台球袋
  [informal] a person's financial resources
[非正式] 个人的经济状况,腰包,钱袋
 »the food was all priced to suit the hard-up airman's pocket.
2. a small patch of something
• 小块
 »some of the gardens still had pockets of dirty snow in them.
  a small, isolated group or area
• 孤立的人群或小区
 »there were pockets of disaffection in parts of the country.
1. [attrib.] of a suitable size for carrying in a pocket
• 便携的,袖珍的
 »a pocket German dictionary.
  on a small scale
• 小型的,小规模的
 »a 6,000 acre pocket paradise.
(pocketed, pocketing)
1. [with obj.] put into one's pocket
• 放入口袋
 »she watched him lock up and pocket the key.
  take or receive (money or other valuables) for oneself, especially dishonestly
• 把(钱等贵重物品)装进腰包(或占为己有)
 »local politicians were found to have been pocketing the proceeds of fund-raisers.
  [Billiards & Snooker] drive (a ball) into a pocket
[台球,斯诺克] 击(球)入袋
  enclose as though in a pocket
• 包,围
 »the fillings can be pocketed in a pitta bread.
  suppress (one's feelings) and proceed despite them
• 收敛,抑制(感情)
 »they were prepared to pocket their pride.
in pocket
1. having enough money or money to spare; having gained in a transaction
• 有够多钱的,有钱花的;赚了钱的
  (of money) gained by someone from a transaction
• (钱)赚来的
in someone's pocket
1. dependent on someone financially and therefore under their influence
• (因经济上依赖某人而)在某人掌握中,受某人的控制
2. very close to and closely involved with someone
• 与某人亲近的
 »I'm tired of villages where everyone lives in everyone else's pocket.
out of pocket
1. having lost money in a transaction
• 亏了本的
1. [as modifier] (of an expense or cost) paid for directly rather than being put on account or charged to some other person or organization
• (花费,成本)现款直接支付的
pay out of pocket
1. [US] pay for something with one's own money, rather than from a particular fund or account
[美] 自理花费
put one's hand in one's pocket
1. spend or provide one's own money
• 花自己的钱;自己挣钱
pocketable adjective
pocketful noun pl. -fuls
pocketless adjective
1. Middle English (in the sense 'bag, sack', also used as a measure of quantity): from Anglo-Norman French poket(e), diminutive of poke 'pouch'. The verb dates from the late 16th cent.
--› compare poke

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