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post n.(支)柱;邮政;哨所;岗位 vt.贴出;邮寄


1. a long, sturdy piece of timber or metal set upright in the ground and used to support something or as a marker
• 柱,杆,桩,标桩
 »follow the blue posts until the track meets a forestry road.
  a goalpost
• 球门柱
 »Robertson, at the near post, headed wide.
  (the post)a starting post or winning post
• 起点柱;终点柱
1. [with obj.] [常作 be posted] display (a notice) in a public place
• 张贴(通知)
 »a curt notice had been posted on the door.
 »the exam results were posted up.
  announce or publish (something, especially a financial result)
• 宣布,公布(尤指财务报表)
 »the company posted a £460,000 loss.
  (of a player or team) achieve or record (a particular score or result)
• (运动员,参赛队)取得,创造纪录
 »Smith and Lamb posted a century partnership.
  [with obj. and complement] publish the name of (a member of the armed forces) as missing or dead
• 宣布失踪或死亡(军人)名单
 »a whole troop had been posted missing.
  [Computing] make (information) available on the Internet
[计算机] 发帖子
  put notices on or in
• 在…上张贴通知;在…里面张贴通知
 »we have posted all the bars.
2. [no obj.] send a message to an Internet bulletin board or newsgroup
• (向网上论坛、新闻组)发帖子
go (or come) to post
1. (of a racehorse) start a race
• (赛马)开跑
1. Old English, from Latin postis 'doorpost', later 'rod, beam', probably reinforced in Middle English by Old French post 'pillar, beam' and Middle Dutch, Middle Low German post 'doorpost'
post up
1. [Basketball] play in a position near the basket, along the side of the key
[篮球] 打罚球区边位
1. [mass noun] (chiefly Brit.)the official service or system that delivers letters and parcels
[主英] 邮政,邮递
 »winners will be notified by post.
 »the tickets are in the post.
  letters and parcels delivered
• 邮件
 »she was opening her post.
  [in sing.] a single collection or delivery of letters or parcels
• 一次收邮;一次投递
 »entries must be received no later than first post on Friday 14th June.
  used in names of newspapers
• 邮报
 »the Washington Post.
2. (historical)one of a series of couriers who carried mail on horseback between fixed stages
[史] 驿马送信员
  (archaic)a person or vehicle that carries mail
[古] 邮差,邮车
1. [with obj.] (chiefly Brit.)send (a letter or parcel) via the postal system
[主英] 投寄,邮寄
 »I've just been to post a letter.
 » post off your order form today.
2. [with obj.] (in bookkeeping) enter (an item) in a ledger
• (记账用语)入账
 »post the transaction in the second column.
  complete (a ledger) in this way
• 过账
3. [no obj., with adverbial] (historical)travel with relays of horses
[史] 乘驿马旅行
 »we posted in an open carriage.
  [with adverbial of direction] (archaic)travel with haste; hurry
[古] 匆忙赶路;急行
 »he comes posting up the street.
1. (archaic)with haste
[古] 匆忙地,赶快地
 »come now, come post.
keep someone posted
1. keep someone informed of the latest developments or news
• 让某人了解最新进展;为某人提供最新消息
1. early 16th cent. (in sense 2 of the noun): from French poste, from Italian posta, from a contraction of Latin posita, feminine past participle of ponere 'to place'
1. a position of paid employment; a job
• 职位,职务;工作
 »he resigned from the post of Foreign Minister.
 »a teaching post.
2. a place where someone is on duty or where a particular activity is carried out
• 岗位
 »a shift worker asleep at his post.
 »a customs post.
  a place where a soldier, guard, or police officer is stationed or which they patrol
• 哨位,巡逻地,指挥所
 »he gave the two armed men orders not to leave their posts.
 »a command post.
  [N. Amer.] a force stationed at a permanent position or camp; a garrison
[北美] 驻军;卫戍部队
   [US] a local group in an organization of military veterans
[美] 退伍军人协会地方分会
3. (historical)the status or rank of full-grade captain in the Royal Navy
[史] 皇家海军大舰长身份(或级别)
 »Captain Miller was made post in 1796.
1. [with obj. and adverbial] [一般作 be posted] send (someone) to a particular place to take up an appointment
• 委派
 »he was posted to Washington as military attaché.
  station (someone, especially a soldier, guard, or police officer) in a particular place
• 设置,安排
 »a guard was posted at the entrance.
1. mid 16th cent.: from French poste, from Italian posto, from a contraction of popular Latin positum, neuter past participle of ponere 'to place'

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